brenoguim / flexclass

A library for classes with flexible layout
MIT License
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A C++17 library to emulate C flexible array members. See the User Guide for a complete walkthrough.

Problem statement

Consider the following implementation of a Node in a graph structure:

struct Node
    std::size_t              id;
    void*                    userData {nullptr};
    std::unique_ptr<Node*[]> links;

Node* makeGraphNode(std::size_t id, const std::vector<Node*>& links)
    auto n = new Node{id};
    n->links = std::make_unique<Node*[]>(links.size());
    std::copy(links.begin(), links.end(), n->links.get());
    return n;

In this scenario, everytime makeGraphNode is called two allocations will occur:

Multiple allocations can be costly and incur in memory fragmentation which reduce cache friendlyness.

Enter Flexclass

The same Node can be implemented with Flexclass:

struct Node
    auto fc_handles() { return fc::make_tuple(&links); }

    std::size_t      id;
    void*            userData {nullptr};
    fc::Array<Node*> links;

Node* makeGraphNode(std::size_t id, const std::vector<Node*>& links)
    auto n = fc::make<Node>(links.size()) (id);
    std::copy(links.begin(), links.end(), n->links.begin());
    return n;

The required changes are:

See this example on Compiler Explorer

To build the layout, Flexclass uses fc_handles to collect a list of array types to be built.

The layout of the Node is:

                               |       |
                               |       V
| [std::size_t]   [void*]   [Node**] | [Node*] [Node*] [Node*] ... [Node*]
|       Id       UserData    Links   |
|                                    |
|                  Node              |

Now a single allocation is performed to store both the Node and the array of Node*.

One can reduce the size even more by using the fact that the Node* array will always be at the end of the Node:

fc::AdjacentArray<Node*> links;

Which would generate the following compact layout:

|[std::size_t]   [void*]      []    | [Node*] [Node*] [Node*] ... [Node*]
|      Id       UserData    Links   |
|                                   |
|                 Node              |

Flexclass is not limited to one array, so the following declaration is perfectly valid (godbolt link):

struct MyType
    auto fc_handles() { return fc::make_tuple(&a, &c); }

    fc::Array<int> a;
    std::string b;
    fc::Range<string> c;
    bool d;

Which will generate the following layout:

                                          |                                                               |
                              ____________|_________________________________                              |
                             |            |                                 |                             |
     ________________________|____________|_________________                |                             |
    |                        |            |                 V               V                             V
|[int*] [std::string] [std::string*] [std::string*] [bool]| [int] ... [int] [std::string] ... [std::string]
|  a         b          c (begin)       c (end)       d   |
|                                                         |
|                       MyType                            |

Notice that fc::Range has an end pointer for the std::string array. Since std::string is non-trivially-destructible, Flexclass needs to iterate on the array to call destructors when destroying the MyType.

Feature summary

Range and Array

AdjacentArray and AdjacentRange

Adjacent handles deduce their begin from another element:


Cool Applications

Shared Array

A shared array implementation needs a reference counter and the data (in this case an array). So it can be modeled as:

template<class T> class SharedArray;
template<class T>
class SharedArray<T[]>
    struct Impl
        auto fc_handles() { return fc::make_tuple(&data); }
        unsigned refCount;
                          fc::Range<T>> data;

    /* Interesting public API */
    static SharedArray make(std::size_t len) { return {fc::make<Impl>(len)(/*num references*/1u)}; }

    decltype(auto) operator[](std::size_t i) { return m_data->data.begin()[i]; }
    decltype(auto) operator[](std::size_t i) const { return m_data->data.begin()[i]; }

    auto use_count() const { return m_data ? m_data->refCount : 0; }

    /* Boilerplate */
    SharedArray(SharedArray&& other) : m_data(std::exchange(other.m_data, nullptr)) {}
    SharedArray(const SharedArray& other) { m_data = other.m_data; incr(); }
    SharedArray& operator=(SharedArray&& other) { decr(); m_data = std::exchange(other.m_data, nullptr); return *this; }
    SharedArray& operator=(const SharedArray& other) { decr(); m_data = other.m_data; incr(); return *this; }
    ~SharedArray() { decr(); }
    SharedArray(Impl* data) : m_data(data) {}
    void incr() { if (m_data) m_data->refCount++; }
    void decr() { if (m_data && m_data->refCount-- == 1) fc::destroy(m_data); }
    Impl* m_data {nullptr};

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TODO/Known issues