brenthuisman / par2deep

Produce, verify and repair par2 files recursively.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
84 stars 8 forks source link


Analogous to the various *deep commands (md5deep, hashdeep...) this tool serves to create, verify and repair parity files in a file tree.

This tool will generate one parity file (plus a file for the recovery blocks) per file that you protect. This makes it simple to move files if you change your mind on how your file tree must be organized. Just move the par2 files along.

For your convenience, par2deep comes with par2cmdline-turbo. Those binaries are provided under their own license.


I chose to use the old but well tested and well known par2 program to base this tool on, instead of similar tools such as zfec, rsbep or something like pyFileFixity. Some recent forks of par2 have added recursive scanning abilities, but they're generally not cross-platform. They also do not offer an interactive way of diagnosing (parts of) your file tree, and different problem handling for different areas of your file tree.

I use par2deep to secure my photos and music across drives, machines and operating systems, and I intend to keep securing my data this way in the decades to come. I felt that the wide availability of the par2 tool was my best bet.


If you have Python installed, you can use pip! Make sure to update pip before installation (PyQt5 won't install without a recent pip).

$ pip install -U pip
$ pip install par2deep

Alternatively, clone/download this repo and install:

$ pip install ./par2deep

Or run directly:

$ python par2deep


If you use Windows, and do not have Python installed, you can grab an installer here. These msi packages are generated created with the cx_Freeze package using the script:

$ python3 bdist_msi

Configuration used to produce the release .msi: Python 3.8.10 64bit (for Windows 7 compatibility), cx_Freeze 6.4.


After installation, run with par2deep for the GUI or par2deep-cli if you live in the terminal. Command line options may be enumerated by using the --help option. Note that -q will update, fix or recreate parity files as it sees fit. If unrepairable damage is found, it will recreate parity data.

An optional par2deep.ini file may be placed in the target directory or as ~/.par2deep defining all the commandline options. For the excludes, separate by comma.

Example par2deep.ini:

excludes = [new, root]
extexcludes = [JPG, jpg]
par_cmd = c:/sync/apps/par/par2.exe

