brentnycum / BNHtmlPdfKit

Easily turn HTML data from an HTML string or URL into a PDF file on iOS
MIT License
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BNHtmlPdfKit easily turns HTML data from an HTML string or URL into a PDF file on iOS. Feel free to fork this project and help make it better!

If you are using BNHtmlPdfKit in your app I would love to hear about it!

Adding BNHtmlPdfKit To Your Project

Just copy BNHtmlPdfKit.h and BNHtmlPdfKit.m into your project.


pod 'BNHtmlPdfKit', :git => ''


This all started with a post of mine back in June of 2011, when I was trying to save Html data to a PDF and copy the PDF data to an email as an attachment. I had always wanted to make the code better and was finally able to. The post of mine generates a bunch of traffic to my blog to this day, by an order of 10 fold to the next top page and is still a very popular problem that people are working on.


You can either use blocks based or delegate based calling.


There are quite a few block methods provided for convenience.

+ (BNHtmlPdfKit *)saveUrlAsPdf:(NSURL *)url success:(void (^)(NSData *pdfData))completion failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

+ (BNHtmlPdfKit *)saveUrlAsPdf:(NSURL *)url pageSize:(BNPageSize)pageSize success:(void (^)(NSData *pdfData))completion failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

+ (BNHtmlPdfKit *)saveUrlAsPdf:(NSURL *)url pageSize:(BNPageSize)pageSize isLandscape:(BOOL)landscape success:(void (^)(NSData *pdfData))completion failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

+ (BNHtmlPdfKit *)saveUrlAsPdf:(NSURL *)url pageSize:(BNPageSize)pageSize isLandscape:(BOOL)landscape topAndBottomMarginSize:(CGFloat)topAndBottom leftAndRightMarginSize:(CGFloat)leftAndRight success:(void (^)(NSData *pdfData))completion failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

+ (BNHtmlPdfKit *)saveUrlAsPdf:(NSURL *)url toFile:(NSString *)filename success:(void (^)(NSString *filename))completion failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

+ (BNHtmlPdfKit *)saveUrlAsPdf:(NSURL *)url toFile:(NSString *)filename pageSize:(BNPageSize)pageSize success:(void (^)(NSString *filename))completion failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

+ (BNHtmlPdfKit *)saveUrlAsPdf:(NSURL *)url toFile:(NSString *)filename pageSize:(BNPageSize)pageSize isLandscape:(BOOL)landscape success:(void (^)(NSString *filename))completion failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

+ (BNHtmlPdfKit *)saveUrlAsPdf:(NSURL *)url toFile:(NSString *)filename pageSize:(BNPageSize)pageSize isLandscape:(BOOL)landscape topAndBottomMarginSize:(CGFloat)topAndBottom leftAndRightMarginSize:(CGFloat)leftAndRight success:(void (^)(NSString *filename))completion failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

+ (BNHtmlPdfKit *)saveUrlAsPdf:(NSURL *)url customPageSize:(CGSize)pageSize success:(void (^)(NSData *pdfData))completion failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

+ (BNHtmlPdfKit *)saveUrlAsPdf:(NSURL *)url customPageSize:(CGSize)pageSize topAndBottomMarginSize:(CGFloat)topAndBottom leftAndRightMarginSize:(CGFloat)leftAndRight success:(void (^)(NSData *pdfData))completion failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

+ (BNHtmlPdfKit *)saveUrlAsPdf:(NSURL *)url toFile:(NSString *)filename customPageSize:(CGSize)pageSize success:(void (^)(NSString *filename))completion failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

+ (BNHtmlPdfKit *)saveUrlAsPdf:(NSURL *)url toFile:(NSString *)filename customPageSize:(CGSize)pageSize topAndBottomMarginSize:(CGFloat)topAndBottom leftAndRightMarginSize:(CGFloat)leftAndRight success:(void (^)(NSString *filename))completion failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

To use them simply call:

htmlPdfKit = [BNHtmlPdfKit saveUrlAsPdf:[NSURL URLWithString:@""] toFile:@"...itsbrent.pdf" pageSize:BNPageSizeA6 success:^(NSString *pdfFileName) {


} failure:^(NSError *err) {




Be sure to retain a reference to the BNHtmlPdfKit object outside the scope of the calling method. Otherwise, no delegate methods will be called:

- (void) createPdf:(id)sender {
    _htmlPdfKit = [[BNHtmlPdfKit alloc] init];
    _htmlPdfKit.delegate = self;
    [_htmlPdfKit saveUrlAsPdf:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]];


- (void)htmlPdfKit:(BNHtmlPdfKit *)htmlPdfKit didSavePdfData:(NSData *)data {

- (void)htmlPdfKit:(BNHtmlPdfKit *)htmlPdfKit didSavePdfFile:(NSString *)file {

- (void)htmlPdfKit:(BNHtmlPdfKit *)htmlPdfKit didFailWithError:(NSError *)error {


- (id)init;
- (id)initWithPageSize:(BNPageSize)pageSize;
- (id)initWithCustomPageSize:(CGSize)pageSize;

Default initializer has default page size based on locale (thanks Pierre Bernard) and 1/4" margins.

Saving a URL

BNHtmlPdfKit *htmlPdfKit = [[BNHtmlPdfKit alloc] init];
htmlPdfKit.delegate = self;
[htmlPdfKit saveUrlAsPdf:[NSURL URLWithString:@""] toFile:@"...itsbrent.pdf"];

To just save PDF data.

[htmlPdfKit saveUrlAsPdf:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]];

Saving an HTML String

BNHtmlPdfKit *htmlPdfKit = [[BNHtmlPdfKit alloc] init];
htmlPdfKit.delegate = self;
[htmlPdfKit saveHtmlAsPdf:@"<html>..." toFile:@"...itsbrent.pdf"];

To just save PDF data.

[htmlPdfKit saveHtmlAsPdf:@"<html>..."];

Delegate Methods

- (void)htmlPdfKit:(BNHtmlPdfKit *)htmlPdfKit didSavePdfData:(NSData *)data;
- (void)htmlPdfKit:(BNHtmlPdfKit *)htmlPdfKit didSavePdfFile:(NSString *)file;
- (void)htmlPdfKit:(BNHtmlPdfKit *)htmlPdfKit didFailWithError:(NSError *)error;

didSavePdfData is called whenever PDF data is generated for an Html string or URL. didSavePdfFile is called whenever a PDF file was saved using the toFile methods.

Page Sizes

BNHtmlPdfKit has support for many of the top paper sizes.

Custom Page Sizes

BNHtmlPdfKit also supports custom page sizes by using the customPageSize property. Specify your page size in inches * 72.0f.

htmlPdfKit.customPageSize = CGSizeMake(8.5f * 72.0f, 11.0f * 72.0f);

Landscape Support

Support for setting a paper size and setting as landscape is available by either using the landscape property or by using the custom init method below.

- (id)initWithPageSize:(BNPageSize)pageSize isLandscape:(BOOL)landscape;

Margin Sizes

Default margin size is set to 1/4".

htmlPdfKit.topAndBottomMarginSize = 0.25f * 72.0f;
htmlPdfKit.leftAndRightMarginSize = 0.25f * 72.0f;


