breqdev /

My personal website, built with NextJS.
4 stars 1 forks source link
blog katex mdx nextjs prismjs react tailwindcss utterances

hey, i'm brooke, and this is my website.

if you're just here to browse, you'll have a much better experience over on

but i've opened this up to let you peek into the internals if you'd like. look at my use of nextjs plugins, skim through how i manage tags, glance through how i made that 3D scrolling effect, or understand how i theme the code snippets. or, you could always spoil the easter egg for yourself. nobody's gonna know you cheated but you.

stack details

* denotes my own packages

model attribution

a few 3D models in this page were made by some fine folks on GrabCAD.


content on the site is structured into the following categories:


mpl 2.0 for code, cc-by-nc-sa 4.0 for content.

made with <3 by breq.