brey / pyPoseidon

Framework for hydrodynamic simulations of geoflows
European Union Public License 1.2
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Framework for Sea Level Hydrodynamic simulations

Documentation Status GitHub release (latest by date) CI CI Binder

ARCHIVED - See for up to date development

This is a development project utilising multiple solvers (currently DELFT3D & SCHISM) for simulating sea level height (currently only storm surge). The purpose is to create a simple, portable and transparent way of setting up, running and analysing hydrodynamic computations through python scripts and Jupyter Notebooks ( See Notebooks in Tutorial/ for relevant prototypes.


conda install -c gbrey pyposeidon

Afterwards, for now, one needs to install gmsh manually with

pip install gmsh

Note: Due to an upstream issue, pydap needs to be installed manually. See environment.yml for info.


DELFT3D needs to be compiled for your system. You can download it from See Wiki for more details.

SCHISM needs to be compiled for your system. You can download it from See for more info.

You can also install the solvers easily with conda

conda install -c gbrey pschism delft3d4


There are several sets of tests. You can run pyPoseidon unitests with


In order to test also the solver integration use

pytest --runschism


python --rundelft

if you are using a local installation of the solvers please specify the PATH to the executables in your system such as

export D3D = '/path_to_folder_bin/lnx64/flow2d3d/'

export LD3D = '/path_to_folder_bin/lnx64/flow2d3d/'

export SCHISM = '/path_to_schism_executable'


mkdocs build
mkdocs serve
