breznak / neural.benchmark

Comparisons of HTM to other ML algorithms on well known datasets and synthetic anomaly benchmarks
GNU General Public License v2.0
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 Machine Learming benchmarks

Aiming to thouroughly benchmark and compare ML algorithms (with current focus on HTM), be designing specialized synthetic datasets that stress a single feature and can be well evaluated and understood.

For users being able to decide where each algorithm has its strong/weak-spots and decide in application for real-world problems.

This can also work as a benchmark to evaluate development impact in changes to the algorithms.

Zoom of anomaly results on data loss benchmark.

Goals of this project

This repository should be a collection of

Current state

Research interest

The topics of research interest are classified in Issue's labels, and are related to: NuPIC, dataset creation, novel research ideas, cognitive modeling, and so on...

How do I use/work with this repo?


Open-research & hypothesis

Warning: anything here may, or may not be true. It is under evaluation. We are raising the topics here to get your focus on the current issues and possible findings.


  1. Hierarchical Temporal Memory, Numenta. Available at:

  2. Hawkins, Jeff (2004). On Intelligence, Times Books. ISBN 0805074562.

  3. Uhl, Christian (1999). Analysis of Neurophysiological Brain Functioning, Springer. ISBN 978-3-642-64219-7

  4. The Sicence of Anomaly Detection, Numenta. Available at:

  5. Schmidhuber, Jürgen (2014). Deep Learning in Neural Networks: An Overview, The Swiss AI Lab IDSIA. Available at:

  6. Twitter, Anomaly Detection. Available at:

  7. Skyline, Anomaly Detection. Available at:

  8. Yahoo, Time Series Anomaly Detection. Available at:

Related sources
