brh55 / react-native-open-maps

🗺 A simple react-native library to perform cross-platform map actions (Google, Apple, or Yandex Maps)
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🗺 A simple cross-platform library to help perform map actions to the corresponding device's map (Google, Apple, or Yandex Maps)

react-native-open-maps works by creating a universal map link for either Apple, Google, and Yandex maps that can be used to open up the relevant map application. In order to maximize compatibility some platform specific parameters are omitted, but simplifies development efforts and ensures a smooth user experience.


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  1. Install the repository
    $ npm install --save react-native-open-maps
  2. Add an import to the top of your file
    import openMap from 'react-native-open-maps';
  3. Put it all together

    import React, { Component } from 'react';
    import { Button } from 'react-native';
    import openMap from 'react-native-open-maps';
    export default class App extends Component {
      _goToYosemite() {
        openMap({ latitude: 37.865101, longitude: -119.538330 });
      render() {
        return (
            title="Click To Open Maps 🗺" />
  4. BONUS: You can also create delayed functions for more of that 1 - 1 mapping flavor 🍦.
    import { createOpenLink } from 'react-native-open-maps';

const yosemite = { latitude: 37.865101, longitude: -119.538330 }; const openYosemite = createOpenLink(yosemite); const openYosemiteZoomedOut = createOpenLink({ ...yosemite, zoom: 30 });

const facebookHQ = { latitude: 37.4847, longitude: 122.1477 }; const openFacebookHQ = createOpenLink(facebookHQ);

// Condensed for Readability... render() { return ( <Button color={'#bdc3c7'} onPress={openYosemite}            title="Go to Yosemite 🏔" /> <Button color={'#bdc3c7'} onPress={openFacebookHQ}            title="Go to Facebook HQ 🕋" /> );

If you need additional examples, view the example directory for a demo you can run locally.

## API
#### default function `open(options)`
`react-native-open-maps` immediately opens the map of the coordinates and the settings

#### `{ createOpenLink(options) }`
Creates a delayed invoked function to open the map. This is useful for binding functions to `onPress()` in a succinct manner. Think of it like ... `function openToMe() { open(coordinates) }`

#### `{ createMapLink(options) }`
Creates the raw link for the map.

#### `{ createQueryParameters(options) }`
Creates the query parameters for the designated maps provider. Useful if you want to override the base url and perform logic to override it with a native base URL.

#### options
| Properties   | Type                                                   | Description                                                  | Example                         | Map Support |
| ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------- | ----------- |
| *latitude*   | `number`                                               | The latitude                                                 | 37.865101                       | All         |
| *longitude*  | `number`                                               | The longitude                                                | -119.538330                     | All         |
| *zoom*       | `number`                                               | The zoom level, only works with `latitude` and `longitude`   | 18 <br> *Default: 15*           | All         |
| *provider*   | `string` <br> [`google`,`apple`,`yandex`]                       | If no provider set, it will determine according to `Platform.OS` | `apple`                         | N/A         |
| *query*      | `string`                                               | Will act according to the map used. Refer to [query property](#query-property) | `"Yosemite Trail"`              | All         |
| *queryPlaceId* | `string`                                               | Will query by Place ID.                                      | `ChIJgUbEo8cfqokR5lP9_Wh_DaM`   | Google      |
| *travelType* | `enumeration` : [`drive`, `walk`,`public_transport`]   | Use this parameter in conjunction with `start` and `end` to determine transportation type. Default is `drive` | `"drive"`                       | All         |
| *start*      | `string` that geolocation can understand               | The start location that can be interpreted as a geolocation, omit if you want to use current location / "My Location". See [Apple](, [Google]( and [Yandex]( docs for more details on how to define geolocations. | `"New York City, New York, NY"` | All         |
| *end*        | `string` that geolocation can understand.              | The end location that can be interpreted as a geolocation. See [Apple](, [Google]( and [Yandex]( docs for more details on how to define geolocations. | `"SOHO, New York, NY"`          | All         |
| *waypoints*    | `array`: [`address`, `address`] | Define intermediate addresses between a route. | ["San Jose, California", "Campbell, California"]                        | Apple (v16+) and Google       |
| *endPlaceId* | `string`                                               | End destination with the use of a place ID that uniquely identifies a places. | `ChIJgUbEo8cfqokR5lP9_Wh_DaM`   | Google      |
| *navigate*   | `boolean`                                              | This is only specific for Google. Yandex and Apple maps will provide directions if a `start ` and `end` is provided. | `true`                          | Google      |
| *mapType*    | `enum`: [`standard`, `satellite`, `hybrid`, `transit`] | Specifies base map type. Note, `hybrid` is the satellite map with a transit layer, where as `transit` is the standard roadmap with a `transit` layer. | "hybrid"                        | All, except Yandex does not support "hybrid"        |

- Combining query with latitude and longitude will override the query parameter.
- Yandex Maps does not support building routes from current location.

### Map Actions
To perform certain map actions refer these necessary parameters
- **Setting Directions**: `end`,  [ *`start `*,  *`travelType`* ]
- **Display Map Around Coordinates:** `latitude` **+** `longitude`, [ *`zoom`* ]
- **Query Map For Location:** `query`

### Examples
#### Search by query
createMapLink({ provider: 'apple', query: 'Yosemite National Park' });

Search query near coordinates (lat/lng)

createMapLink({ provider: 'apple', query: 'Coffee Shop', latitude: 10.02134, longitude: -29.21322 })

Get directions from start to end using addresses

createMapLink({ provider: 'yandex', start: '1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA', end: '1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA' })

Get directions from here

createMapLink({ provider: 'google', end: 'New York City, NY' })

Get directions from here with additional stops (Apple or Google only)

createMapLink({ provider: 'google', end: 'East Brunswick, NJ' })

Get directions by walking with a hybrid view (satellite and transit)

createMapLink({ provider: 'google', end: 'New York City, NY', travelType: 'walking', mapType: 'hybrid' })
Get public transit directions from start to end
createMapLink({ provider: 'google', start: 'SoHo, Manhattan, New York, NY', end: 'Times Square, Manhattan, NY', travelType: 'public_transportation' })
Display with different base map options
createMapLink({ provider: 'apple', query: 'hiking trails', mapType: 'satellite' })
Display centered around coordinates, really zoomed in
createMapLink({ provider: 'yandex', latitude: 10.02134, longitude: -29.21322, zoom: 20 })
Query Property

The query behavior differs per platform:


Contributions are greatly appreciated! Prior to submitting PRs, please try to test your changes against the example application provided to make sure your changes do not break existing platforms. In addition, unit tests are recommended for new features or large changes.

Run Changes on Example App

To test your changes against the example application.

  1. npm run example-test
  2. cd example
  3. npx react-native start
  4. Run on your desired simulator

Your changes should not cause unexpected behaviors or warnings.

Run Test Suite

  1. npm test


MIT © Brandon Him

Shameless Plug 🔌

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