brianc / jade-mode

Emacs major mode for jade template highlighting
MIT License
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major mode for jade-mode and stylus-mode

Significant Whitespace Mode. Because Jade and Stylus are both 'significant white space' languages, sws-mode can be used to edit both types of files

Lines can be indented or un-indented (is that a word?) with tab, shift-tab respectively. Indentation will look at the proceeding line and not indent more than 1 level of nesting below it.

  |----cursor anywhere on this line except at beginning of text, press tab or S-tab

    |---- cursor moves to beginning of text...once cursor is at beginning of text, press tab

      |---- now line is maximum indented, press tab again

|---- line moves to minimum indentation level (no indentation)

Regions can be indentend in a similar way; however, this is still buggy...

Since jade and stylus nesting is somewhat related to sexp layout I hope to have sexp related selection & manipulation working in the future. See jade-highlight-sexp for an example

key bindings


Emacs major mode for jade template highlighting. This mode extends sws-mode to provide some rudimentary syntax highlighting.

Still in very early stages. Some simple highlighting of tags, ids, and classes works; however, it highlights incorrectly into the javascript code and plain text code as well.

I would like to get the highlighting working better. Also note javascript highlighting with either js2-mode or espresso-mode should be possible...I'm a major major-mode writing noob so it'll take a while.


I'm not sure yet how to highlight .styl files, so for now, just use sws-mode when editing stylus mode.

Installation instructions

Copy the jade-mode.el and sws-mode.el to some directory on your computer. I put mine under ~/code/jade-mode and sym-link the jade-mode folder into ~/.emacs.d/vendor/. You can just as easily put the folder itself under '~/.emacs.d/vendor/`

Add the following lines to any of your initialization files

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/vendor/jade-mode")
(require 'sws-mode)
(require 'jade-mode)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.styl\\'" . sws-mode))

Flycheck support.

Flycheck now has support for jade files. It currently only handles errors.