brianch / offline-chess-puzzles

Tool to view and solve puzzles from the lichess puzzle database
MIT License
115 stars 16 forks source link



A simple tool to view and solve puzzles from the lichess puzzle database.

I need to give a big thank you to lichess for creating the puzzle database, the project chess-engine which I used as a starting point for the GUI here, and the awesome Iced GUI library in which the interface is made.


Download the app in the releases page here.

You'll also need to download the file "lichess_db_puzzle.csv" (from the lichess link above) to the "puzzles" directory of the app.

To play you simply adjust the search to your needs, press "search" and a puzzle will be loaded, when you get it right, the next one will be immediatly displayed (you can disable this auto load in the settings).

If the move is a promotion you need to select the piece to promote to (in the search tab) before moving the pawn.

The search is a bit slow (especially when searching by opening, because it often needs to traverse the whole database) but I think it's important to use the cvs directly so users can easily replace the file if needed.

Possible use cases:

Are you using this app? I'd be very interested in knowing what's your use case and if there's any other feature that would be useful. Feel free to start a conversation in discussions (for general feedback/ideas) or to create an issue (to report bugs or specific feature requests).

I can't promise anything though, since this is just a hobby project (and the goal is to keep the app simple).

