briandilley / ebs-deploy

Python based command line tools for managing Amazon Elastic Beanstalk applications.
MIT License
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ebs-deploy is a command line tool for managing application deployments on Amazon's Beanstalk. Deployment of applications to any of Beanstalk's available solution stacks is achievable with ebs-deploy.


Installation is possible with pip and easy_install and can be done system wide or in a virtual environment.

with pip:

> easy_install pip # if you don't already have pip installed
> pip install ebs-deploy

with easy_install:

> easy_install ebs-deploy


Usage of ebs-deploy uses the following pattern:

> ebs-deploy command options

Running ebs-deploy without arguments will list the available commands:

> ebs-deploy 
usage: ebs-deploy command [options | help]
Where command is one of:

Every command requires a configuration file named ebs.config to be present in the directory in which the command is run or by passing the -c or --config-file argument. Documentation on the format of the configuration file can be found later in this document. To get help on any of the commands simply run:

> ebs-deploy command --help


The following examples omit the --config-file argument for brevity. If you're configuration file is not named ebs.config and\or does not exist in the working directory of the ebs-deploy program you will need to add the -c or --config-file argument.

Initialize your application

After creating your application's configuration file you will first need to create your application and it's environments. To do this you use the init command:

> ebs-deploy init

This will create the application and it's environments. This command can be run at any time, even if the application already exists. For instance, if you want to add a new environment to your application simply add it to your configuration file and run this command; the new environment will be created and the existing ones left alone. Also, if you want to remove an environment you simply remove it from your configuration file and run the command; the environment will be terminated.

Deploy your application

Once your application and it's environments have been created you are ready to deploy an application to an environment. To do this use the deploy command:

> ebs-deploy deploy --environment MyCo-MyApp-Prod

This will create an application archive (or use one passed in via the --archive argument) and deploy it to the given environment.

Update an environment(s)

You may decide that you need to update your environment configuration in some way (change auto-scaling parameters, add a file, run a container command, etc). This can be achieved by modifying your configuration file and running the update_environments command:

> ebs-deploy update_environments --environment MyCo-MyApp-Prod

Rebuild an environment

Sometimes things aren't working as expected in your Beanstalk environment and you just want to start from scratch. This can be done by running the rebuild command:

> ebs-deploy rebuild --environment MyCo-MyApp-Prod

The environment will then be completely rebuilt (load balancers, instances and all)

Deploy an existing version

If you need to re-deploy a previously deployed version this can be achieved by using the update command.

> ebs-deploy update --environment --version-label my-app-version-1

This will re-deploy the version my-app-version-1 to the environment. The version label supplied must be a previously deployed version and must not have been deleted from the application. The update command also applies the same configuration updates that the update_environments command does.

Zero downtime deployment

For an actively used application or an application where any amount of downtime is unacceptable the zero downtime deployment option can be used:

> ebs-deploy zdt_deploy --environment MyCo-MyApp-Prod

Zero downtime deployment takes a while because it creates an entirely new environment, deploys the new application version to it, swaps the cnames with the currently running environment and then terminates the old environment.

Zero downtime deployments are only available for WebServer tier types, they cannot work for Worker tier types since worker tier types do not have cnames.


If you need to do zero-downtime deployment, but want to run tests before switching to the new environment, you can deploy to a new environment, run your tests, then swap URLs in a separate step:

> ebs-deploy swap_urls --old-environment MyCo-MyApp-0 --new-environment MyCo-MyApp-1

This is a relatively fast operation since both environments have already been deployed.

Delete the application

When your application is ready to be decommissioned you can use the delete_application command:

> ebs-deploy delete_application

The application and all of it's environments will be deleted.

Environment variables

The following environment variables affect ebs-deploy configuration but can be overriden on a per project basis in the configuration file:

Configuration File Format

Before you can begin using ebs-deploy you need to create a configration file for your application. A list of available namespaces and option_settings for Elastic Beanstalk can be found here.

Keys and other secret information

Keys and other secret information that should not be checked into source control can be added to the configuration file via environment variables. Strings with the format of ${VARIABLE} will be replaced with the contents of VARIABLE. This is helpful for AWS access keys and passwords.


Configuration files are written in YAML and have the following structure:

# aws account config
    # override environment variables here
    access_key: '...'
    secret_key: '...'
    region: 'us-west-1'
    bucket: 'my-company-ebs-archives'
    bucket_path: 'my-app'

# application configuration
    versions_to_keep: 10 # the number of unused application versions to keep around
    app_name: 'My awesome app' # the name of your application
    description: 'An application that is awesome' # description of your app

    # configuration that applies to all environments, environment
    # specific configuration is merged with this configuration allowing
    # for default values that can be overriden (or added to) on
    # an environment specific basis.  Any of the values\nodes below
    # can also be specified in the environment specific configuration
    # below
        solution_stack_name: '64bit Amazon Linux running Python'

        # optional information on the tier type
        # check the boto documentation for create_environment
        # for an explanation on the default values.  Most
        # configurations don't need to specify these values
        # at all.
        # Boto:
        tier_name: 'WebServer'
        tier_type: 'Standard'
        tier_version: '1.0'

        # option_settings contain namespaced key\value pairs that are
        # supported by Beanstalk, follows is an example of some of
        # the values that you might want to set for a python application

                Ec2KeyName: 'mycompany-ssh-key-name'
                InstanceType: 't1.micro'
                SecurityGroups: 'mycompany-prod'

                WSGIPath: ''
                NumProcesses: 1
                NumThreads: 15

                MinSize: 1
                MaxSize: 5

                "/static/": "my_app/static/"

                SSLCertificateId: 'arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXX:server-certificate/my-company'
                LoadBalancerHTTPSPort: 443

                Stickiness Policy: true

                Notification Endpoint: ''

                Application Healthcheck URL: '/'

                AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: '${MY_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}'
                AWS_SECRET_KEY: '${MY_AWS_SECRET_KEY}'

        # instructions on how to build the application archive

            # Generate an application archive ...        
                cmd: #... command here to generate an archive file ...
                output_file: .*target/.*\.war # a regex pattern for finding the
                                              # file generated above

            # ... or build one from the current directory
            includes: # files to include, a list of regex
            excludes: # files to exclude, a list of regex
                - '^.gitignore$'
                - '^\.git*'
                - '.*\.egg-info$'
                - '^tests.*'
                - '.*\.zip$'
                - '^venv.*'

            # a list of files to add to the archive, follows are
            # the two ways to dynamically add files to the archive:
            # contet, and yaml

                # here's an example of adding a "content" file to
                # the archive at the root of the archive called
                # "deflate.conf" that configures apache to serve
                # things using mod_deflate (gzip).
                - deflate.conf:
                    # permissions of the file
                    permissions: 0644
                    # the content node is important here
                    content: |
                        <Location />
                            # Insert filter
                            SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
                            # Don't compress images
                             SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.(?:gif|jpe?g|png)$ no-gzip dont-vary
                            # Make sure proxies don't deliver the wrong content
                            Header append Vary User-Agent env=!dont-vary

                # here's an example of adding a "yaml" file to
                # the archive in the .ebextensions sub directory
                # named "02-packages.config".  The yaml nodes that
                # follow the "yaml" node under this will be added
                # to the file
                - .ebextensions/02-packages.config:
                    # permissions of the file
                    permissions: 0777
                    # the yaml node is important here
                                rubygems: ''
                                pcre-devel: ''
                                memcached-devel: ''
                                sass: ''

                # another example of adding a yaml file to the archive
                # this one tells beanstalk to run some commands on deployment
                - .ebextensions/03-commands.config:
                    # permissions of the file
                    permissions: 0666
                                command: "ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Los_Angeles /etc/localtime"
                                command: "cp deflate.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/"
                                command: "... some db migration command here ..."

    # Under the environments node is each environment and their config.
    # Environment specific configuration is determined by first processing
    # the all_environments config and then "overlaying" the environment
    # specific configuration onto it.  Any number of environments can be
    # specified

        # the production version of the app
            cname_prefix: 'myco-myapp-prod'
                    MYAPP_ENV_NAME: 'prod'
                    InstanceType: 'm1.medium'

        # the QA version of the app
            cname_prefix: 'myco-myapp-qa'
                    MYAPP_ENV_NAME: 'qa'

Here's an example of how you might use ebs-deploy to deploy a Scalatra app to beanstalk:

    access_key: '...'
    secret_key: '...'
    region: 'us-west-1'
    bucket: 'mycomppany-apps-us-west-1'
    bucket_path: 'Scalatra-App'

    versions_to_keep: 10
    app_name: 'Scalatra-App'
    description: 'My Scalatra Application'

        solution_stack_name: '64bit Amazon Linux running Tomcat 7'


                Ec2KeyName: 'mycompany'
                InstanceType: 'm1.small'
                SecurityGroups: 'mycompany-web'

                MinSize: 1
                MaxSize: 10

                Application Healthcheck URL: '/'

        # instructions on how to build the application archive
                cmd: sbt package
                output_file: .*target/.*\.war


        # the Testing version of the app
            cname_prefix: 'scalatra-app-testing'

        # the production version of the app
            cname_prefix: 'scalatra-app-prod'

Pyhon 3

Thanks Erik Wallentinsen for the Python 3 fixes
