sfdx-ext is @deprecated consider using https://github.com/dxatscale/sfpowerscripts
sfdx extensions to retrieve and compare salesforce metadata from multiple orgs
sfdx ext:mdapi:changeset [-s <string>] [-x] [-r <string>] [-t <string>] [-c] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]
sfdx ext:mdapi:retrieve [-b] [-i] [-n] [-d] [-f] [-s] [-x] [-z] [-t] [-c] [-r <array>] [-l <array>] [-j <array>] [-m <array>] [-y <array>] [-q <array>] [-e <array>] [-o <array>] [-p <array>] [-k <array>] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]
sfdx ext:package:sync [-s <string>] [-c] [-e] [-i] [-x] [-z] [-v] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]
sfdx ext:mdapi:changeset [-s <string>] [-x] [-r <string>] [-t <string>] [-c] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]
Generates a detailed changeset by comparing differences between two mdapi staged source directory files or source control commit versions.
$ sfdx ext:mdapi:changeset [-s <string>] [-x] [-r <string>] [-t <string>] [-c] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>]
[--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]
-c, --createcsv Create diff list in csv format
-r, --revisionfrom=<value> base revision to generate the diff
e.g. 84965e9e or feature/SprintX or
-s, --sourceusername=<value> (Required) source org username or
-t, --revisionto=<value> base revision to generate the diff
e.g. 84965e9e or feature/SprintX or
-u, --targetusername=<value> username or alias for the target
org; overrides default target org
-x, --ignorecomments Ignore compare differences comments
in deployment package.xml
--apiversion=<value> override the api version used for
api requests made by this command
--json format output as json
--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for
this command invocation
Generates a detailed changeset by comparing differences between two mdapi staged source directory files or source
control commit versions.
$ sfdx ext:mdapi:changeset --sourceusername user@source.com --targetusername user@target.com --apiversion 46.0 --ignorecomments
$ sfdx ext:mdapi:changeset --sourceusername user@source.com --targetusername user@target.com
$ sfdx ext:mdapi:changeset --sourceusername user@source.com --targetusername user@target.com --revisionfrom 9b834dbeec28b21f39756ad4b0183e8568ef7a7c --revisionto feature/SprintX
$ sfdx ext:mdapi:changeset -s DevOrg -u ReleaseOrg -r dd7f8491f5e897d6b637915affb7ebac66ff4623 -t feature/Sprint6
See code: src/commands/ext/mdapi/changeset.ts
sfdx ext:mdapi:retrieve [-b] [-i] [-n] [-d] [-f] [-s] [-x] [-z] [-t] [-c] [-r <array>] [-l <array>] [-j <array>] [-m <array>] [-y <array>] [-q <array>] [-e <array>] [-o <array>] [-p <array>] [-k <array>] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]
retrieve and refresh org metadata to local directory (i.e. retrieve all or filtered metadata from org)
$ sfdx ext:mdapi:retrieve [-b] [-i] [-n] [-d] [-f] [-s] [-x] [-z] [-t] [-c] [-r <array>] [-l <array>] [-j <array>] [-m
<array>] [-y <array>] [-q <array>] [-e <array>] [-o <array>] [-p <array>] [-k <array>] [-u <string>] [--apiversion
<string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]
-b, --ignorebackup flag to ignore creating a local
backup of retrieved files
-c, --createcsv flag to create csv file to more
easily compare metadata items in
-d, --ignorehidden (Recommended) flag to ignore
retrieving hidden or non-editable
managed files such as managed
-e, --excludestartswithfilters=<value> overriding exclude filters (case
sensitive) for meta components such
as lwc starting with text e.g. -l
-f, --ignorefolders flag to ignore retrieving folders
e.g. email, reports, dashboards and
-i, --ignoreinstalled flag to ignore retrieving installed
(or managed) package files (excludes
all installed package metadata)
-j, --endswithfilters=<value> filters (case sensitive) for meta
components such as custom metadata
items ending with with text e.g. -j
-k, --excludetypes=<value> overriding exclude type filters
(case sensitive and whole type
names) for meta types e.g.
-l, --startswithfilters=<value> filters (case sensitive) for meta
components such as lwc starting with
text e.g. -w xyz
-m, --matchfilters=<value> filters (case sensitive) for meta
components matching text e.g. -m
-n, --ignorenamespaces flag to ignore retrieving namespace
prefixed package files (excludes all
namespaced metadata)
-o, --excludeendswithfilters=<value> overriding exclude filters (case
sensitive) for meta components such
as custom metadata items ending with
with text e.g. -j __c
-p, --excludematchfilters=<value> overriding exclude filters (case
sensitive) for meta components
matching text e.g. -m Account,"Case"
-q, --excludecontainsfilters=<value> overriding exclude filters (case
sensitive) for meta components
containing text e.g. -r
ABC_,Xyz,"One Two"
-r, --containsfilters=<value> filters (case sensitive) for meta
components containing text e.g. -r
ABC_,Xyz,"One Two"
-s, --ignorestaticresources flag to ignore retrieving all static
-t, --split flag to split package.xml into
package1.xml and package2.xml in
attempt to address 10000 file
download limit per request
-u, --targetusername=<value> username or alias for the target
org; overrides default target org
-x, --manifestonly flag to only create
manifest/package.xml and doesn't
download metadata files
-y, --includetypes=<value> include type filters (case sensitive
and whole type names) for meta types
e.g. Settings
-z, --stagemode stage mode e.g.
stage/<alias>/retrieved/src (default
is false), otherwise dev mode
(default is true) e.g. src
--apiversion=<value> override the api version used for
api requests made by this command
--json format output as json
--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for
this command invocation
retrieve and refresh org metadata to local directory (i.e. retrieve all or filtered metadata from org)
$ sfdx ext:mdapi:retrieve --targetusername user@example.com --apiversion 53.0 --ignorebackup --ignoreinstalled --ignorenamespaces --ignorehidden --ignorefolders --ignorestaticresources --manifestonly --stagemode --split
$ sfdx ext:mdapi:retrieve -u user@example.com -b -i -n -d -f -s -x -t
$ sfdx ext:mdapi:retrieve -u user@example.com -z
$ sfdx ext:mdapi:retrieve --targetusername user@example.com
See code: src/commands/ext/mdapi/retrieve.ts
sfdx ext:package:sync [-s <string>] [-c] [-e] [-i] [-x] [-z] [-v] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]
Compare package versions between two orgs and/or sync (install or uninstall) packages in target org based on package version(s) in the source org. This command needs to be run from within project folder (sfdx dependancy).
$ sfdx ext:package:sync [-s <string>] [-c] [-e] [-i] [-x] [-z] [-v] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json]
[--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]
-c, --compareonly flag to check package version(s)
differences between orgs (Default)
-e, --compareerror flag to check package version(s)
differences between orgs and an
throw error if different
-i, --installonly flag to only install package
versions detected as missing or
different from source org to target
-s, --sourceusername=<value> (Required) source org username or
-u, --targetusername=<value> username or alias for the target
org; overrides default target org
-v, --createcsv create csv flag to create csv file
of sync comparison in excel.
Recommend using with check flag
-x, --uninstallonly flag to only uninstall package
versions detected as present in
target org but not present in source
-z, --syncpackages flag to sync all package versions
from source org to target org (i.e.
both install and uninstall in target
if necessary)
--apiversion=<value> override the api version used for
api requests made by this command
--json format output as json
--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for
this command invocation
Compare package versions between two orgs and/or sync (install or uninstall) packages in target org based on package
version(s) in the source org. This command needs to be run from within project folder (sfdx dependancy).
$ sfdx ext:package:sync --sourceusername user@sourceorg.com --targetusername user@targetorg.com
$ sfdx ext:package:sync --sourceusername user@sourceorg.com --targetusername user@targetorg.com --compareerror
$ sfdx ext:package:sync --sourceusername user@sourceorg.com --targetusername user@targetorg.com --compareonly --installonly --uninstallonly --syncpackages
See code: src/commands/ext/package/sync.ts
npm install --global sfdx-cli
npm install --global sfdx-ext
sfdx plugins:install sfdx-ext
sfdx plugins
> sfdx-ext
npm login
npm publish
publisher email brian.edward.saunders@gmail.com
github brianedwardsaunders
This oclif CLI timeout error may occur due to the long wait CLI processing time (ext:mdapi:retrieve), and can be ignored, the process should continue to run unaffected.
CLIError: timed out
at Object.error (..\npm\node_modules\sfdx-cli\node_modules\@oclif\core\lib\errors\index.js:28:15)
at ..\npm\node_modules\sfdx-cli\node_modules\@oclif\core\lib\cli-ux\index.js:25:66
at async flush (..\npm\node_modules\sfdx-cli\node_modules\@oclif\core\lib\cli-ux\index.js:125:9) {
oclif: { exit: 2 },
code: undefined
workaround if required: