brianfoshee / aquaponics-data

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Integrate Goose for database migrations #21

Closed brianfoshee closed 9 years ago

brianfoshee commented 9 years ago

Working on parts of #9 Closes #9 #20 #19 #18 #16

  -- id is for internal use as a primary key
  id uuid PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
  -- Device generated identifier
  identifier character varying NOT NULL,
  -- timestamps which set to current time in UTC on record creation
  updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT (now() AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'),
  created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT (now() AT TIME ZONE 'UTC')

CREATE TABLE reading (
  device_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES device (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
  readings json NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}'::json
CREATE INDEX reading_device_id ON reading (device_id);

-- SQL function to add a key to json field
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "json_object_set_key"(
  "json"          json,
  "key_to_set"    TEXT,
  "value_to_set"  anyelement
  RETURNS json
AS $function$
  (SELECT ('{' || string_agg(to_json("key") || ':' || "value", ',') || '}')
             FROM json_each("json")
            WHERE "key" <> "key_to_set"
            UNION ALL
           SELECT "key_to_set", to_json("value_to_set")) AS "fields"),
-- Insert a device into the db
INSERT INTO device (identifier) VALUES ('ABC123') RETURNING "id";

-- Option 1 for inserting a reading column:
-- insert an empty reading (default empty json object on create)
INSERT INTO reading (device_id) 
SELECT id FROM device WHERE device.identifier = 'ABC123';

-- Option 2 for inserting a reading column:
INSERT INTO reading (device_id, readings) 
SELECT id, '{"2014-11-01T12:30:00Z": {"ph":7,"tds":100}}'  
FROM device WHERE device.identifier = 'ABC123';

-- Insert additional JSON into the record:
UPDATE reading
SET readings = json_object_set_key(readings, '2014-11-05T21:00:00Z', '{"ph":4, "tds":121}'::json)
WHERE device_id = (
  FROM device
  WHERE identifier = 'ABC123'

UPDATE reading
SET readings = json_object_set_key(readings, '2014-12-01T23:00:00Z', '{"ph":7, "tds":101}'::json)
WHERE device_id = (
  FROM device
  WHERE identifier = 'ABC123'
brianfoshee commented 9 years ago

@letsgitgrowing are we safe to drop everything on the Heroku database? I'm going to test this out.

brianfoshee commented 9 years ago

@letsgitgrowing I was invited to beta test a feature on Heroku which lets us setup automatic deploys to Heroku when code is pushed to the master branch. I set it up on this app and repository to test it out.

Also, the database is full on Heroku so we'll have to delete all the data and set up the new schema so that we can start using it again.

brianfoshee commented 9 years ago

@letsgitgrowing I had some fun with Postgres last night at the event I went to with Kirsten (it was a design-related talk so I got away with not paying attention). I got the database schema squared away and figured out the function that'll be required to allow us to UPDATE a JSON field (and it supports nested JSON on Postgres 9.3 already).

See the original post at the top of this pull request for the raw SQL schema, function, and examples of adding a device then adding individual readings. These are all updated in the database migrations in the goose branch (this PR).

brianfoshee commented 9 years ago

This is what the database looks like afterwards:

aquaponics-data-dev=# \d
                  List of relations
 Schema |          Name           |   Type   | Owner
 public | device                  | table    | brian
 public | goose_db_version        | table    | brian
 public | goose_db_version_id_seq | sequence | brian
 public | reading                 | table    | brian
(4 rows)

aquaponics-data-dev=# \d device
                                  Table "public.device"
   Column   |            Type             |                   Modifiers
 id         | uuid                        | not null default uuid_generate_v4()
 identifier | character varying           | not null
 updated_at | timestamp without time zone | not null default timezone('UTC'::text, now())
 created_at | timestamp without time zone | not null default timezone('UTC'::text, now())
    "device_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "reading" CONSTRAINT "reading_device_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (device_id) REFERENCES device(id) ON DELETE CASCADE

aquaponics-data-dev=# \d reading
             Table "public.reading"
  Column   | Type |          Modifiers
 device_id | uuid | not null
 readings  | json | not null default '{}'::json
    "reading_device_id" btree (device_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "reading_device_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (device_id) REFERENCES device(id) ON DELETE CASCADE

aquaponics-data-dev=# select * from device;
                  id                  | identifier |         updated_at         |         created_at
 6c7ae8aa-3853-4c27-a1cc-3d991b56ff29 | ABC123     | 2014-12-04 21:16:05.593885 | 2014-12-04 21:16:05.593885
(1 row)

Time: 0.395 ms

aquaponics-data-dev=# select * from reading;
              device_id               |                                        readings
 6c7ae8aa-3853-4c27-a1cc-3d991b56ff29 | {"2014-11-05T21:00:00Z":{"ph":4, "tds":121},"2014-12-01T23:00:00Z":{"ph":7, "tds":101}}
(1 row)

Time: 0.316 ms
brianfoshee commented 9 years ago

Required changes to the schema for converting to jsonb:

-- We have to remove the default value of '{}'::json because it's incompatible with jsonb
-- Change the column type, and cast existing data to jsonb
ALTER TABLE reading ALTER COLUMN readings TYPE jsonb USING readings::jsonb;
-- Add the default value back, of course using jsonb this time
ALTER TABLE reading ALTER COLUMN readings SET DEFAULT '{}'::jsonb;

I'll make a migration for this once we have the refactoring-goose branch finished up. So far I'm seeing query times cut in half for selecting on a particular json key. It'll be interesting to see what an index will do when we're dealing with a ton of data.

Also, need to modify the json_object_set_key function types.