brianfoshee / aquaponics-data

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Go app to collect and read back sensor data.

DB Setup

Current Postgres schema is in db.

To get the database setup locally (dev or test environment), ensure that Goose is installed locally and then run its setup:

$ go get
$ DATABASE_URL="postgres://user@localhost/database?sslmode=disable" goose --env development up

To create a Goose migration file, run:

$ goose create AddNewTable sql
$ goose: created db/migrations/20150601093224_AddNewTable.sql

See Goose docs for more info on rolling back migrations.

To run migrations on Heroku, first push them up and then run:

$ heroku run goose --env production up

Setting up dependencies

To update all of the latest dependencies run

$ godep restore

If any dependencies are added, use Godep to package them into the repo:

$ godep save

Running the app

The app requires two ENV variables to be set before it'll run:

$ PORT=5000 DATABASE_URL="postgres://user@localhost/database?sslmode=disable" go run main.go