briankendall / missionControlFullDesktopBar

Application for entering Mission Control with a full size desktop bar showing previews
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apple macos mission-control


An application that invokes Mission Control in a manner that causes all of the desktop previews to be present immediately like they were in macOS 10.10 and earlier, rather than requiring the user to mouse over them. This is accomplished using one of two incredibly hacky and unsavory methods.

It's intended to be an alternative to forceFullDesktopBar that doesn't require disabling System Integrity Protection or injecting code into the Dock. I prefer forceFullDesktopBar as it works consistently and with less strange side effects. Either way it's going to be hacky though, so pick your poison!

Quick start

As this app works similarly to the Mission Control application provided by Apple, it's intended to be used by an application that can bind a terminal command to a mouse button, keystroke, or trackpad gesture. I recommend BetterTouchTool.

To use it, bind whichever kind of input you want to a terminal command that looks something like this:

/path/to/ -d -i

The -d and -i options generally result in the best performance and reliability. (More about that later.)

If you're binding it to a mouse button or keystroke, I recommend making it so that the above command is executed when the button is pressed, and the following command is executed when it's released:

/path/to/ -d -r

This will allow you to both:

On first run, you may need to grant it permission to control the computer using the Security & Privacy system preferences.

How it works

There are two methods I've discovered for triggering Mission Control with the full desktop bar.

The Wiggle Method:

The first is the more obvious method of having the mouse move over the desktop bar, and that's what the "wiggle" method is. When used, right as Mission Control is triggered the mouse will wiggle in the upper left corner of the primary display for 120 milliseconds (or a different duration if you want), and then pop the cursor back to where it was before. Any mouse movement during this time is recorded so that the cursor will appear in the place you expect it, rather than the exact position it was in when you triggered Mission Control. The whole experience should be relatively seamless.

  1. Not quite as hacky as the "drag" method.
  2. Less likely to incur strange side effects
  1. Slower: you can see the animation of the full desktop bar appearing
  2. The cursor looks like it disappears briefly
  3. Requires proper timing: if Mission Control takes too long to invoke, the wiggling may not register and then you get the crappy Mission Control without the desktop previews.
  4. Bugs or unexpected situations may cause the mouse cursor to remain in the upper left corner of your screen, which would be pretty annoying!

The Drag Method:

There's another way to get Mission Control to have the full desktop bar, which is to have a drag be in progress. It can be a window, a Finder icon, a bit of text, or really anything else. The drag method takes advantage of this. When triggered, the app will create a small, invisible window directly under the cursor, create an artificial mouse down event, and as soon as that mouse down is registered in the window, start a drag operation for an empty string of text and invoke Mission Control. As soon as Mission Control is invoked, the app releases the mouse button, thus ending the drag. If all goes well this whole process should be completely invisible to the user.

Furthermore, it's possible for an app to send its own windows a mouse event directly, bypassing the systemwide event queue. When used with the drag method, this has the advantage of not even requiring the invisible window to be on screen and properly clickable, making the entire operation faster and more reliable. For the purposes of this app, this is called an "internal drag", as the fake drag operation happens entirely within the confines of the app.

  1. Cleaner: there is no transition animation of the desktop previews appearing. They're present from the moment Mission Control is invoked.
  2. More reliable: the cursor doesn't move anywhere, so there's no chance of it getting stuck in the upper left corner, and no issues with proper timing.
  3. When the "internal drag" option is used, it's the most reliable method as there's not really anything that can interfere with the fake drag occurring.
  1. Doesn't work if Mission Control is invoked while the mouse is down. This is because this method cannot be used if a real drag is in progress, as there's no way to detect that situation (that I'm presently aware of). So if the mouse is down, the app will invoke Mission Control normally.
  2. Is very hacky! Messing about with invisible windows, undocumented APIs, and fake drag operations may cause unintented side effects.
  3. If the "internal drag" option is used, it's the most hacky! (Though I personally haven't noticed any strange side effects from it so far.)

Since the drag method typically works better, it's the default option when the app is launched.

Command Line Options

This app has the following important command line options:


If something goes wrong, and I'd like to say that it's quite likely something will go wrong given how incredibly hacky this app is, then I recommend changing how the app is executed to see if any of the other options for better for you.

If you notice strange side effects when using the "drag" method, try excluding the -i option.

If you still notice strange side effects when using the "drag" method, or it otherwise doesn't work properly, try switching to the "wiggle" method, i.e. use the following command line options: -d -m wiggle

If the "wiggle" method doesn't work consistently, try increasing the wiggle duration, using options like: -d -m wiggle -w 200. If 200 ms doesn't work, try gradually increasing it until you find a value that does work consistently.

If it's still not working, you may be SOL. You can create an issue for the project, but I can't guarantee I'll be able to fix it. The bug you experience may not be the slightest bit reproduceable on my or anyone else's system, or it may be an unavoidable consequence of how this app works.

Or you can use forceFullDesktopBar, which I think works a lot better. It does require disabling System Integrity Protection, but if you made it this far, do you really feel you need it turned on anyway?


See the similar section in the read me of forceFullDesktopBar.

But the real answer is I like making stuff like this.