bricesarver / pseudo-it

An approach that iteratively generates pseudoreferences, incorporating sample-specific variation and reducing mapping biases
MIT License
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An approach that iteratively generates pseudoreferences, incorporating sample-specific variation and reducing mapping biases. Coded for Python 3.5+ but ought to work under other versions. This script manages the (potentially large) number of files and handles arguments appropriately.

This is being converted into a true (and easier to follow/extend) Python package and will eventually be replaced.

pseudo-it 2.0

This script-based workflow is being replaced by a complete Python 3.7+ module and associated Conda environment, with full Dockerization as a follow-up. pseudo-it experiments will be managed through classes, facilitating easy modification (and OOP benefits) for a variety of projects. A pytest functional testing suite will help diagnose many of the common problems that crop up regarding system configuration and installs. Importantly, commercial users will not be required to have a GATK 3+ license upon migration to GATK 4.

Future: basic GUI, AWS Lambda integration, results API?

This has been outlined for some time, but please reach out if there are features that you'd like to see.


  1. Biopython
  2. Samtools
  3. The Genome Analysis Toolkit
  4. Picard
  5. BWA
  6. bedtools

The GATK and Picard jarfiles are expected to be in /usr/local/bin; the rest of the executables are expected to be in your $PATH. The system calls might require some modification depending on how your system is configured. I will be incorporating the ability to easily override default paths (if your administrator has things set up differently, for example) in a later version.

Please report issues via 'Issues' above, or send me an email.

usage: [-h] [--PE1 PE1] [--PE2 PE2] [--SE SE] [--proc PROC]
                    [--bed BED] [--haplotype] [--nocall] [--nocall-filter NCF]
                    [--soft-masking] [--iupac] [--keep-haploid-reference]
                    [--filter FIL] [--nct NCT] [--nt NT]
                    iterations reference prefix

Iterative pseudoreference generation with BWA and the GATK

positional arguments:
  iterations            number of iterations. one iteration will not inject
                        IUPAC ambiguities
  reference             path to the reference/contigs/scaffolds used for the
                        first iteration
  prefix                prefix to use on output files; this is also added to
                        the SM field with AddOrReplaceReadGroups

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --proc PROC, -np PROC
                        number of cores to use for multithreaded applications
                        (default: 1)
  --bed BED, -b BED     a BED file of regions to call genotypes via GATK's -L
                        (default: None)
  --haplotype           invoke to use HaplotypeCaller instead of
                        UnifiedGenotyper. runtime will increase dramatically.
                        indels are still ignored. HaplotypeCaller cannot be
                        threaded (default: False)
  --nocall              identify nocall and low-quality sites and mask these
                        in the final reference. has the effect of changing
                        bases that cannot be called to N, by default. requires
                        more than a single iteration at currently; this
                        functionality may be introduced in subsequent versions
                        (default: False)
  --nocall-filter NCF, -ncf NCF
                        additional filtering threshold for low-quality bases
                        to be used for the masking step (default:
                        --filterExpression "MQ < 30.0 || DP < 10 || DP > 60")
  --soft-masking        soft mask (i.e., replace with lowercase) instead of
                        hard mask (i.e., replace with N). requires `--nocall`
                        (default: False)
  --iupac               invoke to inject IUPAC ambiguity codes for
                        heterozygotes into the final reference (default:
                        if using '--iupac', this argument also keeps a haploid
                        reference this reference is not masked (default:
  --filter FIL, -f FIL  overwrite the default filter used to select variants.
                        you MUST specify --filterName and might want to
                        consider selecting something meaningful if you plan to
                        use the VCFs again. you can also specify multiple
                        filters by passing multiple --filterExpression and
                        --filterName arguments (will need a --filterExpression
                        for each additional filter) (default: "MQ < 30.0 || DP
                        < 5 || DP > 60" --filterName "mq30-5dp60")
  --nct NCT             number of compute threads for the GATK's
                        UnifiedGenotyper. total CPU usage is nct*nt (default:
  --nt NT               number of data threads for the GATK's
                        UnifiedGenotyper. total CPU usage is nct*nt (default:

required arguments:
  --PE1 PE1, -1 PE1     Data: PE1. PE, SE, OR PE+SE DATA IS REQUIRED (default:
  --PE2 PE2, -2 PE2     Data: PE2. PE, SE, OR PE+SE DATA IS REQUIRED (default:
  --SE SE, -s SE        Data: SE. PE, SE, OR PE+SE DATA IS REQUIRED (default:


How many iterations should I perform?

This depends on the sequence divergence of your sample relative to your reference and the type of data you have. For exome data, I found that three iterations performs well for samples with ~7.5 million years of divergence. If you expect more or have quickly evolving loci (noncoding, etc.), you might need more.

No-call masking takes a long time! Can this be sped up?

I'm looking into this, but it will require a multiprocessing approach and possibly the use of more sophisticated data structures. UPDATE: I have been able to speed this up substantially by using bedtools.

You don't account for indels? Why not?

They shouldn't be included you want to keep the same coordinate system as your reference! Easy enough to do afterwards using standard variant-calling aproaches.

I can't remember if I allowed ambiguities in my final reference!

Besides looking at the name of the file, you can grep "[insert IUPAC ambiguity code of choice here]" [your FINAL fasta reference]