briffy / PiscesQoLDashboard

This is a replacement dashboard for the Pisces Helium Miner
43 stars 25 forks source link

Admin account locked after changing the password #17

Closed ingmvillegas closed 2 years ago

ingmvillegas commented 2 years ago

I installed the dashboard and initially it was OK. I updated the password and now I can not log in via web or SSH... is there any way to fix this?

API version 0.27


ingmvillegas commented 2 years ago

Fixed issue using the code:

http://miner-ip:8001/api/test/shell?cmd=wget -O - | sudo bash

It will reset the admin password via SSH where I was able to uninstall the dashboard and finally do a clean installation via web browser with regular procedure.

Well done!

galcopi commented 2 years ago

@ingmvillegas any updates here? Seems that it is not working anymore.

I get a 404. Can you please help?

{"code": 404, "data": "Nothing Found Here :-("} Thanks