briffy / PiscesQoLDashboard

This is a replacement dashboard for the Pisces Helium Miner
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Pisces QoL Dashboard

This is a replacement dashboard for the Pisces Helium Miner.

The dashboard that ships with the Pisces P100 has a number of security and performance issues. The main things this dashboard fixes are:

Important Notes

This dashboard is in no way supported by, or affiliated with, the Pisces dev team.

By installing this dashboard, you are inheritently making the device more secure by removing the device's ability to install things like this dashboard from the web server.

A result of this is that in the event you need to troubleshoot your device, Pisces will have one fewer tool to assist you (although arguably this should never have been a tool for them to use in the first place). I have taken steps to avoid this so please read the important information below:

Installing this script creates a sudo user called "admin" with the password "admin". When you first log in to the dashboard, it is imperative that you visit Tools > Reset Password and update this password.

Installation Instructions

  1. Find the internal IP address of your Pisces miner.
  2. Use the following link, replacing YOURIP with the IP address of your miner:
  3. Log in at https://__YOURIP__
    • Username: admin
    • Password: admin
  4. Click "Tools"
  5. Click "Reset Password"
  6. Enter a secure password and click submit.
  7. Enjoy!


As of v0.1.1, the dashboard now has an updater. If you are running version v0.1.0 then you will have to manually update this one. Follow the instructions below:

  1. Log in via SSH (either PuTTY or click start > type "cmd" and press enter, then type "ssh admin@your-miner-ip").
  2. Run the following commands:

Removal Instructions

  1. Connect via SSH to your miner (either using PuTTY or open cmd and type: ssh admin@YOURIP)
  2. Enter the admin username and the password you set.
  3. Type the following command: sudo bash /var/dashboard/


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