briffy / PiscesQoLDashboard

This is a replacement dashboard for the Pisces Helium Miner
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page not found installation PesciQoLDashboard #24

Open Patassini opened 2 years ago

Patassini commented 2 years ago

Hello good evening, I tried with the installation of the page not found installation PesciQoLDashboard through the link indicated: http: // my ip miner / action.php? action = shell & cmd = sudo wget -O - | sudo bash but ece out the writing on the Connection Failed page. The ip address is taste taken from my modem plus I have another problem I can no longer enter the miner configuration via pices-web-controller .I am using firefox do I have to use another browser? thanks if you can give me some advice Emanuele.

bennieforss commented 2 years ago

I got the same problem. I have tried to install both through the link you use but also through ssh. In SSH the installation goes fine but i cannot access the webpage / dashboard anymore. If i uninstall the QoLDashboard i can access the old dashboard.

The first time i ran the web update script on this miner i got alot less respons in the browser after the script was complete than on my other miner. I could se that the admin account was created but in the respons but in difference to the other miner the was a lot of loggning respons missing.

Currently if i try to install through the web script i get the following error

sudo Hit:1 buster InRelease Hit:2 buster/updates InRelease Hit:3 buster InRelease Hit:4 buster InRelease Hit:5 buster-updates InRelease Reading package lists... Success.

I have tried to install, uninstall in different combinations through web or ssh but cannot get it to work.

Is there anything else i could try?

EChorya commented 2 years ago

UA: Була проблема подібна, зміг виправить, можу допомогти, пишіть в дс: Chorya#7665

EN: There was a similar problem, I was able to fix it, I can help, write in ds: Chorya#7665