briffy / PiscesQoLDashboard

This is a replacement dashboard for the Pisces Helium Miner
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Problem with miner update #37

Open SlappySK opened 2 years ago

SlappySK commented 2 years ago


few days ago I tried update of miner, cause new version was available was in dashboard. old docker container was removed, but after that it stuck and don't replaced it with the new one. No UP/DW bandwidth on network. Could you please help me how to update miner? Maybe manually from ssh? Dashboard now shows nothing in "miner version" and docker container is gone.

Thanks a lot for help !

Esui555 commented 2 years ago

Mine is exactly the same issue. after miner docker update, it can not update miner and can not clear blockchain data as well. Status is shown as unknown and on helium app it is offline. It is stuck and shows mine docker failed to start. Check logs to investigate.

SlappySK commented 2 years ago

Already fixed.

Use this script for repair of miner

echo "❤️update begain" sudo docker stop miner echo "🚀docker stoped" wait sudo docker rm miner echo "🚀docker removed" wait sudo docker run -d --init \ --ulimit nofile=64000:64000 \ --env REGION_OVERRIDE=EU868 \ --device /dev/i2c-0 \ --net host \ --restart always \ --privileged \ -v /var/run/dbus:/var/run/dbus \ --publish 1680:1680/udp \ --publish 44158:44158/tcp \ --name miner \ --mount type=bind,source=/home/pi/hnt/miner,target=/var/data \ --mount type=bind,source=/home/pi/hnt/script/sys.config,target=/opt/miner/releases/2022.04.19.0/sys.config \ wait echo "🚀docker update success" wait echo "🍺 peer connect success"

Esui555 commented 2 years ago

How do i exactly implement the script for my miner? Im not familiar with github scripts etc. Thank you very much.