brimdata / zync

Kafka connector to sync Zed lakes to and from Kafka topics
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
18 stars 3 forks source link


zync is a connector between Kafka and Zed lakes. It can run in either direction, syncing a Kafka topic to a Zed lake data pool or vice versa.

zync can also apply transformations from one or more raw data pools to a staging data pool in a transactionally consistent fashion based on Debezium's read/create/update/delete model for CDC database logs. In this way, you can use zync to sync input topics to raw data pools, apply Debezium-aware transforms from the raw pools to a staging pool, and use zync to sync a staging pool to a target database, typically a data warehouse.


To install zync, make sure you have Go 1.21 or better installed and then run

go install

You'll also need zed installed to run a Zed lake. Installation instructions for zed are in the Zed repository.

Quick Start

For built-in help, run

zync -h

Make sure your config files are setup for the Kafka cluster and schema registry (see below), then run some tests.

List schemas in the registry:

zync ls

Create a topic called MyTopic with one partition using your Kafka admin tools and, in another window, set up a consumer to display data from that topic:

zync consume -topic MyTopic

Next, post some data to the topic:

echo '{s:"hello,world"}' | zync produce -topic MyTopic -

This transforms the ZSON input to Avro and posts it to the topic. The consumer then converts the Avro back to ZSON and displays it.

Hit Ctrl-C to interrupt zync consume as it will wait indefinitely for data to arrive on the topic.

Syncing to a Zed Lake

In another shell, run a Zed lake service:

mkdir scratch
zed serve -lake scratch

Now, in your first shell, sync data from Kafka to a Zed lake:

zed create -orderby kafka.offset PoolA
zync from-kafka -topic MyTopic -pool PoolA -exitafter 1s

See the data in the Zed pool:

zed query "from PoolA"

Next, create a topic called MyTarget with one partition using your Kafka admin tools, sync data from a Zed pool back to Kafka, and check that it made it:

zync to-kafka -topic MyTarget -pool PoolA
zync consume -topic MyTarget

Finally, try out shaping. Put a Zed script in shape.zed, e.g.,

echo 'value:={upper:to_upper(value.s),words:split(value.s, ",")}' > shape.zed

And shape the record from MyTopic into a new PoolB:

zed create -orderby kafka.offset PoolB
zync from-kafka -topic MyTopic -pool PoolB -shaper shape.zed -exitafter 1s
zed query -Z "from PoolB"


To configure zync to talk to a Kafka cluster and a schema registry, you must create two files in $HOME/.zync: kafka.json and schema_registry.json.

This Kafka config file contains the Kafka bootstrap server addresses and access credentials.

This schema registry config file contains the URI of the service and access credentials.

We currently support just SASL authentication though it will be easy to add other authentication options (or no auth). Please let us know if you have a requirement here.


zync has two sub-commands for synchronizing data to and from Kafka:

Currently, only the binary Kavka/Avro format is supported where the Avro schemas are obtained from a configured schema registry.

An arbitrary Zed script can be applied to the Zed records in either direction.

The Zed pool used by zync must have its pool key set to kafka.offset in ascending order. zync will detect and report an error if syncing is attempted using a pool without this configuration.

Syncing From Kafka

zync from-kafka encapusulates records received from Kafka using the envelope

  kafka: {topic:string,partition:int64,offset:int64},
  key: {...}
  value: {...}

where the key and value fields represent the key/value data pair pulled from Kafka and transcoded from Avro to Zed and the kafka field contains metadata describing the topic, partition, and offset of the data received from Kafka.

If a Zed script is provided, it is applied to each such record before syncing the data to the Zed pool. While the script has access to the metadata in the kafka field, it should not modify these values as zync relies on this field.

After optionally shaping each record with a Zed script, the data is committed into the Zed data pool in a transactionally consistent fashion where any and all data committed by zync writers must have monotonically increasing kafka.offset relative to each topic indicated in kafka.topic.

As the Kafka topic and offset is stored in each record, the zync from-kafka command can query the maximum input offset in the pool for each topic and resume syncing from where it last left off.

To avoid duplicate records, it is best to configure zync with a single writer per Kafka topic.

Note: we currently do not detect multiple writers to a pool but can do so with a small change to the load API to track commit IDs and detect write conflicts when the writer is not writing to the head commit that it expects.

Syncing To Kafka

zync to-kafka reads records that arrive in a Zed pool, transcodes them to Avro, and "produces" them to the Kafka topic specified in the kafka metadata field of each record.

The synchronization algorithm is very simple: when zync to-kafka starts up, it queries the pool for the largest kafka.offset for each kafka.topic present and queries each Kafka topic for its high-water mark. Then it reads, shapes, and produces all records from the Zed pool at the high-water mark and beyond for each topic.

There is currently no logic to detect multiple concurrent writers to the same Kafka output topic, so care must be taken to only run a single zync to-kafka process at a time for any given Kafka topic.

Note: zync to-kafka currently exits after syncing to the highest contiguous offset. We plan to soon modify it so it will run continuously, listening for commits to the pool, then push any new to Kafka with minimal latency.

Debezium Integration

zync can be used with Debezium to perform database ETL and replication by syncing Debezium's CDC logs to a Zed data pool with zync from-kafka, shaping the logs for a target database schema using an experimental zync etl command, and replicating the shaped CDC logs to a Kafka database sink connector using zync to-kafka.

The goal of zync etl is to do sophisticated ETL that may involve the denormalization of multiple tables into one.

The model here is that zync etl processes data from an input pool to an output pool where zync from-kafka is populating the input pool and zync to-kafka is processing the output pool. More specifically, zync from-kafka receives Debezium events from Kafka, zync etl transforms those events to JDBC sync connector records, and zync to-kafka send those records to Kafka.

Each Kafka topic must have a single partition as Debezium relies upon the Kafka offset to indicate the FIFO order of all records.

Debezium events have this structure.

  key: {
    // Fields correspond to source table's primary key.
  value: {
    op: string,
    before: {
      // Fields correspond to source table's columns.
      // Value is null if and only if op is "c" or "r".
    after: {
      // Fields correspond to source table's columns.
      // Value is null if and only if op is "d".
    // Remaining fields depend on database connector.

JDBC sync connector events have this structure.

  key: {
    // Fields correspond to destination table's primary key.
  value: {
    // Fields correspond to destination table's columns.
    // Value is null for a tombstone (delete) record.

Design assumptions

Debezium recommends using a single Kakfa topic for database table. In this same way, we can scale out the Zed lake and zync processes.

We assume the following Debezium event types:

To perform denormalization, we need to collect multiple input events to produce a single output event. For example, a c event on input table A and another c event on table B might need to be coalesced into a mixed c event on output table C. There must be some way to correlate such events, e.g., by presuming there is a unique ID present in both records, or a foreign key in record A that can be used to locate the primary key in record B.

Also, it might be desirable for a u event on table A to wait for a u event on table B to perform a denormalized u event on table C where the ETL needs info from both the A update and the B update to produce the combined C update. In other cases, it might be more straightforward to simply allow the individual updates to be transformed to table C updates. This would mean the ETL steps should be specified in pieces so the zync etl command could apply a single configuration to a combined A/B update versus a single A or a single B update.

The zync etl command assumes that each input record participates in exactly one transformation event. This way, zync etl can track which input records have been processed and which remain to be processed by recording in the transformed pool all the Kafka offsets by topic, exactly once, of each input event processed.

zync etl configuration

The zync etl command syncs one Zed data pool to another where the input pool is created with zync from-kafka and the output pool is formatted for zync to-kafka.

Since configuration can be complex with multiple ETLs of varying types, the command is configured with YAML.

These YAML options are preliminary and will be iterated upon and change.

Configuration is currently all in a single YAML file.

# Routes define a pool for each Kafka topic, whether it's an input or an output.
# The namespace of topics is currently shared between inputs and outputs as we
# presume a single Kafka cluster for both the inputs and outputs (though this is
# not a strict requirement).
  - topic: TableA
    pool: Raw
  - topic: TableB
    pool: Raw

  - topic: TableC
    pool: Staging

# Transforms define rules from one or more input tables to
# to an output table, using the routes to determine the pools where each
# topic is stored.
  - type: denorm // denorm or stateless
    where: optional Zed Boolean expression to select this rule
    left: TableA
    right: TableB
    join-on: left.value.after.ID=right.value.after.InvoiceID
    out: TableC
    zed: |
      Zed script applied to all records before storing them in the pool
      Receives a record with two Debezium events in fields called left and right.
      Must create a JDBC sink connector record in a field called out.
  - type: stateless
    where: value.op=="u"
    in: TableA
    out: TableC
    zed: |
      Zed script applied to all records before storing them in the pool.
      Receives a record containing one Debezium source event:
      Must create a JDBC sink connector record in a field called out.

Note that this YAML design is only configuring a single ETL pipeline between Zed data pools without any Kafka integration. We need to work out another layer of YAML config that can embed these ETL configurations and additional logic to wire up the zync from-kafka and zync to-kafka processes and run many instances over a cluster. The current plan is to have a zync build command that will take the zync YAMLs and produce helm charts to deploy all the needed zync processes across a Kubernetes cluster.

The ETL Algorithm

The algorithm here describes how the ETLs are stitched together to perform the desired transformations. Note that the YAML config above knows nothing about the details below. However, it's useful to know how things work so you can debug problems that arise (and perhaps performance issues).

TBD: We'll create a library of Brim queries that can be used to easily navigate to different views of what's going on in a live ETL process.

When the zync etl command is run, it queries the current state of its input and output pools, determines if any of the ETLs have work to do, runs the ETLs to get the transformed results, creates completion records for all records processed (by each input topic), and records the transformed records and completions records in an atomic commit in the output pool. It then exits.

To make incremental updates efficient, the pools must be sorted by kafka.offset (in ascending order) and for each topic, we maintain a cursor per input topic, referred to below as $cursor[$topic].

A completion record is recorded in the output pool for each input record that has been processed, which has the form


Note there is no Kafka partition as we require in-order delivery and thus only one partition per topic.

At startup, to compute the cursors we simply run a query for each input topic on the output lake

is(<done>) | max(kafka.offset) by kafka.topic

We can make this efficient by using head 1 inside of switch legs where each switch case is one of the topics and scanning in descending order, which is the reverse order of the pool. TBD: we have an issue to make reverse range scanning efficient; right now, we read the whole range and do a sort -r. This is not a trivial task but isn't too hard.

We can then enumerate the unprocessed records, by scanning the raw pool from the smallest cursor up and doing an anti join for each topic.

The following pseudo Zed would be stitched together from the YAML config by zync (assuming two input topics, "TableA" and "TableB", and output topic "TableC").

fork (
    => from (
        pool Raw range from $cursor["TableA"] to MAXINT64 => kafka.topic=="TableA"
        pool Staging range from $cursor["TableA"] to MAXINT64 => is(<done>) && kafka.topic=="TableA"
      ) | anti join on kafka.offset=kafka.offset
    => from (
        pool Raw range from $cursor["TableB"] to MAXINT64 => kafka.topic=="TableB"
        pool Staging range from $cursor["TableB"] to MAXINT64 => is(<done>) && kafka.topic=="TableB"
      ) | anti join on kafka.offset=kafka.offset
  | switch (
    case <where-denorm> =>
      fork (
        => kafka.topic=="TableA" | yield {left:this} | sort <left-key>
        => kafka.topic=="TableB" | yield {right:this} | sort <right-key>
      | join on <left-key>=<right-key> right:=right
      | <Zed that creates this.out from this.left and this.right>
      | out.kafka:=left.kafka
      | yield out
      | kafka.topic:="TableC" // zync will fix kafka.offset
    case (<where-stateless>) and kafka.topic=="TableA" =>
      yield {in:this}
      | <Zed that creates this.out from>
      | out.kafka:=in.kafka
      | yield out
      | kafka.topic:="TableC" // zync will fix kafka.offset


Start a Zed lake service.

mkdir scratch
zed serve -lake scratch

Create Raw and Staging pools:

zed create -orderby kafka.offset Raw
zed create -orderby kafka.offset Staging

Load the first batch of test data into Raw, as if zync from-kafka imported it from its topics to Raw as Debezium CDC logs:

zed load -use Raw@main demo/batch-1.zson

You can easily see the Debezium table updates loaded into Raw with zed query:

zed query -f table "from Raw | kafka.topic=='Invoices' | yield value.after"
zed query -f table "from Raw | kafka.topic=='InvoiceStatus' | yield value.after"

These are all type r (read) Debezium logs and represent two new rows in each of the Invoice and InvoiceStatus tables. Transform them to Staging with

zync etl demo/invoices.yaml

This will report the commit ID and number of input records processed. Note that the number of records committed into the pool is different than the number of records produced by ETL as the destination pool includes metadata records tracking which input events have been processed.

After running the ETL, you can see the denormalized CDC updates in the Staging pool:

zed query -f table "from Staging | kafka.topic=='NewInvoices' | yield value"

You can also see the progress updates marking the input records completed that are stored alongside the data in Staging:

zed query "from Staging | is(<done>)"

If you run the ETL again with no new data, it will do nothing as you do not want duplicate data in the output:

zync etl demo/invoices.yaml

zync uses an anti join between the completion records in the output pool and the input records to remove from the input all records that have already been processed.

Now suppose new data arrives from Debezium over Kafka. Let's load it into the Raw pool:

zed load -use Raw@main demo/batch-2.zson

In this file, there are new Invoices rows for Charlie and Dan but only an InvoiceStatus row for Charlie. This means only the Charlie data can be denormalized and the Dan Invoices row will be left unprocessed awaiting the arrival of its InvoiceStatus counterpart.

zync etl demo/invoices.yaml

You can see that the Charlie row made it Staging:

zed query -f table "from Staging | kafka.topic=='NewInvoices' | yield value"

but the Dan row is still pending. You can see the pending records for this example by running

zed query -Z -I demo/pending.zed

Now let's load another batch of records that provides the InvoiceStatus create event for the Dan row and a "stateless" InvoiceStatus update to change Alice's status to "paid":

zed load -use Raw@main demo/batch-3.zson
zync etl demo/invoices.yaml

Now we can see the Dan row made it to Staging:

zed query -f table "from Staging | not is(<done>) | yield {offset:kafka.offset,value:value} | fuse"

NOTE: We formatted this output a bit differently as the updates are getting more complex. Here we numbered each update according to CDC order and fused the tables so you can see where the updates fall in the table.

Finally, in the last batch, the remaining invoices marked "pending" are all updated.

zed load -use Raw@main demo/batch-4.zson
zync etl demo/invoices.yaml

And re-run the table query from above to see the final result:

zed query -f table "from Staging | not is(<done>) | yield {offset:kafka.offset,value:value} | fuse"

anti join

If you're curious how anti join works, try this:

echo '{a:1,id:1}{a:2,id:2}{a:3,id:2}{a:4,id:3}{a:5,id:4}{a:5,id:5}' > in.zson
echo '{drop:2}{drop:5}' > drop.zson
zq 'anti join on id=drop' in.zson drop.zson