britzl / defold-richtext

Defold-RichText is a system to create styled text based on an HTML inspired markup language
MIT License
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defold defold-library


Defold-RichText is a system to create styled text based on an HTML inspired markup language.


You can use RichText in your own project by adding this project as a Defold library dependency. Open your game.project file and in the dependencies field under project add:

Or point to the ZIP file of a specific release.

Markup format

The markup format is HTML inspired, but not intended to be fully compatible with standard HTML. Just like in HTML the idea is that sections of text can be enclosed in matching start and end tags:

This is a <b>bold</b> statement!

This is a bold statement!

Nested elements

Nested elements are supported. Use this to give a section of text a combination of styles:

This is a <b>bold <i>italic</i></b> statement!

This is a bold italic statement!

Supported tags

The following tags are supported:

Tag Description Example
a Create a "hyperlink" that generates a message <a=message_id>Foobar</a>
when clicked (see richtext.on_click)
b The text should be bold <b>Foobar</b>
br Insert a line break (see notes on linebreak) <br/>
color Change text color <color=red>Foobar</color>
shadow Change text shadow <shadow=red>Foobar</shadow>
outline Change text shadow <outline=red>Foobar</outline>
font Change font <font=MyCoolFont>Foobar</font>
i The text should be italic <i>Foobar</i>
img Display image <img=texture:image/>
Display image in fixed square <img=texture:image,size/>
Display image in fixed rectangle <img=texture:image,width,height/>
nobr Prevent the text from breaking Words <nobr>inside tag</nobr> won't break
size Change text size, relative to default size <size=2>Twice as large</size>
spine Display spine model <spine=scene:anim/>
p Adds extra spacing below the line where this <p>A paragraph</p>\nSome other text
tag ends. Adds a newline before its opening <p=2.5>This has 2.5 lines of spacing</p>
tag if it doesn't already exist.
repeat Repeat the text enclosed by the tag <repeat=5>Echo </repeat> five times

Line breaks

Note that there is no need for the HTML <br/> tag since line breaks (i.e. \n) are parsed and presented by the system. Note that a single <br> (ie without a closing or empty tag) isn't supported (even though most browsers accept it).

Named colors

The following named colors are supported:

Name Hex value Swatch
aqua #00ffffff
black #000000ff
blue #0000ffff
brown #a52a2aff
cyan #00ffffff
darkblue #0000a0ff
fuchsia #ff00ffff
green #008000ff
grey #808080ff
lightblue #add8e6ff
lime #00ff00ff
magenta #ff00ffff
maroon #800000ff
navy #000080ff
olive #808000ff
orange #ffa500ff
purple #800080ff
red #ff0000ff
silver #c0c0c0ff
teal #008080ff
white #ffffffff
yellow #ffff00ff

You can add your own named colors as well:

local color = require "richtext.color"

color.add("blood", "#8A0303")
color.add("asparagus", "#87a96b")
color.add("denim", "#1560bd")

HTML entities

The RichText library has limited support for HTML entities (reserved characters):


The RichText library will create gui text nodes representing the markup in the text passed to the library. It will search for tags and split the entire text into words, where each word contains additional meta-data that is used to create and configure text nodes. This means that the library will create as many text nodes as there are words in the text.

Basic example

A simple example with some color and linebreaks:

richtext.create("Single line text with a dash of <color=red>color</color>\nBy default left aligned.", "Roboto-Regular")

Advanced example

A more complex example with different fonts, colors, inline images and automatic linebreaks:

local settings = {
    fonts = {
        Roboto = {
            regular = hash("Roboto-Regular"),
            italic = hash("Roboto-Italic"),
            bold = hash("Roboto-Bold"),
            bold_italic = hash("Roboto-BoldItalic"),
        Nanum = {
            regular = hash("Nanum-Regular"),
    width = 400,
    parent = gui.get_node("bg"),
    color = vmath.vector4(0.95, 0.95, 1.0, 1.0),
    shadow = vmath.vector4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),

local text = "<size=3><outline=green>RichText</outline></size>Lorem <color=0,0.5,0,1>ipsum </color><img=smileys:zombie/> dolor <color=red>sit </color><color=#ff00ffff>amet, </color><size=1.15><font=Nanum>consectetur </font></size>adipiscing elit. <b>Nunc </b>tincidunt <b><i>mattis</i> libero</b> <i>non viverra</i>.\n\nNullam ornare <img=smileys:hungry/>accumsan rhoncus.\n\nNunc placerat nibh a purus auctor, id scelerisque massa <size=2>rutrum.</size>"

richtext.create(text, "Roboto", settings)

Custom tags

Custom tags can be accessed and used in two ways:

    tags.register("boldred", function(params, settings)
        tags.apply("color", "red", settings)
        tags.apply("b", nil, settings)
    richtext.create("I am <boldred>bold and red</boldred>!", "Roboto", settings)


richtext.create(text, font, settings)

Creates rich text gui nodes from a text containing markup.


The settings table can contain the following values:

The fonts table should have the following format:

    name (string) = {
        regular (string) = font (hash),
        italic (string) = font (hash),
        bold (string) = font (hash),
        bold_italic (string) = font (hash),
    name (string) = {

Where name is the name specified in a <font> tag and the font for each of regular, italic, bold and bold_italic should correspond to the name of a font added to a .gui scene.

The layers table should map fonts, textures and spine scenes to layer names. It should have the following format:

    fonts = {
        font (hash) = layer (hash),
        font (hash) = layer (hash),
    images = {
        texture (hash) = layer (hash),
        texture (hash) = layer (hash),
    spinescenes = {
        spinescene (hash) = layer (hash),
        spinescene (hash) = layer (hash),

Where layer is the name of a layer in the .gui scene, font is the value returned from a call to gui.get_font(node), texture is the value returned from a call to gui.get_texture(node) and finally spinescene is the value returned from a call to gui.get_spine_scene(node).


The metrics table contains the following values:

A word in the words table contains the following values:

richtext.tagged(words, tag)

Get all words with a specific tag.



richtext.truncate(words, length, [options])

Truncate a text down to a specific length. This function has two modes of operation: 1) It can truncate the text on a per word basis or 2) on a per character/image basis. The function will disable nodes that shouldn't be visible and in the case of truncating on a per character basis also update the text in nodes that should be partially visible. The text metrics of a truncated word will be updated.


Available options in the option table are:



Get the length of a text ignoring any tags except image and spine tags which are treated as having a length of 1.




Split a word into it's characters, including the creation of the gui nodes. Each of the characters will be given the same attributes as the word, and they will be positioned correctly within the word.



richtext.on_click(words, action)

Call this function when a click/touch has been detected and your text contains words with an a tag. These words act as "hyperlinks" and will generate a message when clicked. The generated message will contain the following values:




Removes all gui text nodes created by richtext.create().



Returns the words created by richtext.create() as a plain text string without any formatting or tags. Linebreaks are included in the returned string.




Left-align text. The words of a line starts at the specified position (see richtext.create settings above).


Center text. The words of a line are centered on the specified position (see richtext.create settings above).


Right-align text. The words of a line ends at the specified position (see richtext.create settings above).


Justify text. The words of a line start at the specified position and are spaced such that the last character of the last word ends at the right edge of the line bounds (see richtext.create settings above).


Vertically align the words on a line so that the top of the words on the line align.


Vertically align the words on a line so that the middle of the words on the line align.


Vertically align the words on a line so that the bottom of the words on the line align.
