broadinstitute / getzlab-LNP

Log-normal-Poisson regression model from Hess et al. 2019
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Log-normal-Poisson regression model

Code to run the log-normal-Poisson regression model from Hess et al. 2019, "Passenger Hotspot Mutations in Cancer" (

What's in this repo?

This repository contains MATLAB functions for running a Bayesian log-normal-Poisson (LNP) regression. We include code to both sample from the posterior distribution of the model parameters via MCMC, and also compute statistical significance of counts, given a set of posterior samples (i.e., compute posterior predictive p-values).

The aforementioned functionality is suitable for modeling generic count data, and is not specific to modeling somatic mutation counts. For that purpose, we also include a function to process the specific somatic mutation calls analyzed in Hess et al.

Included tools

To run any code, start MATLAB (any version R2014b or newer should work) in the root directory of this repo --- this is necessary for startup.m to properly add dependencies to the MATLAB path. Tested to work only under 64 bit Linux; other architectures may work after recompiling C/C++ .mex files.

Regression demo

Here is a simple demo of running the regression model on simulated counts, sans covariates.

First, we generate 50,000 random samples from a log-normal-Poisson distribution with μ = -3, σ = 0.9:

x = poissrnd(exp(-3 + 0.9*randn(50000, 1)));

We thus expect samples drawn from the posterior distribution p(μ,σ|x) will be centered around (-3, 0.9).

Next, we set some basic parameters for running the MCMC:

P = [];
P.niter = 2000; % total iterations
P.burnin = 50; % burn-in
P.m0 = log(mean(x)); % initial guess for mu

% normal-gamma hyperparameters
P.mumu = -3;
P.taua = 10;
P.taub = 0.2;

Actually run the MCMC:

[~, ~, mu, tau] = pois_LN_reg(x, zeros(size(x)), P);

2,000 samples from μ and σ will be placed into mu and tau, respectively. Note that τ = 1/σ^2.

Finally, we plot samples from the posterior:

figure(1); clf
hold on
scatter(mu(P.burnin:end), 1./sqrt(tau(1, P.burnin:end)), 'marker', '.', ...
  'markeredgealpha', 0.6, 'markeredgecolor', 'k')
scatter(-3, 0.9, 70, 'marker', 'x', 'markeredgecolor', 'm', 'linewidth', 2)

title('MCMC draws from LNP posterior p(\mu, \sigma|x)')


ax = gca;
ax.Box = 'on';

ax.XLim = [-3.15 -2.85];
ax.XTick = -3.15:0.05:-2.70;

ax.YLim = [0.75 1.05];
ax.YTick = 0.75:0.05:1.05;

grid on
MCMC samples from posterior

confirming that samples from the posterior distribution look as we would expect.