broadinstitute / pyfrost

Python bindings for Bifrost with a NetworkX compatible API
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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A Python library for creating and analyzing compacted colored de Bruijn Graphs powered by Bifrost with a NetworkX compatible API.

This library is still in an early development stage, and the API is still subject to change. Furthermore, not all functions from NetworkX are implemented yet.



Use the source tarball from Github to install the library:

pip install

PIP and Conda packages will be coming soon.


Building and loading graphs

Build a graph from a list of references:

import pyfrost
g = pyfrost.build_from_refs(['data/ref1.fa', 'data/ref2.fa'])

Build a graph from reads:

g = pyfrost.build_from_samples([
    'data/sample1.1.fq.gz', 'data/sample1.2.fq.gz',
    'data/sample2.1.fq.gz', 'data/sample2.2.fq.gz'

Build a graph from both references and reads:

g =
    ['data/ref1.fa', 'data/ref2.fa'],
    ['data/sample1.1.fq.gz', 'data/sample1.2.fq.gz']

All calls above also accept optional parameters k and g for the k-mer and minimizer size respectively.

Loading a colored graph created earlier with Bifrost:

g = pyfrost.load('graph.gfa')

Access some graph metadata:

>>> g.graph
{'k': 31, 'color_names': ['data/ref1.fa', 'data.ref2.fa']}

You can set custom metadata too:

>>> g.graph['custom_attr'] = "test"

Access unitigs and k-mers

Iterate over all unitigs (nodes) in the graph. Nodes are keyed by the first k-mer of the unitig.

>>> list(g.nodes)
[<Kmer 'TCGAA'>,
 <Kmer 'CCACG'>,
 <Kmer 'CGATG'>,
 <Kmer 'ATGCG'>,
 <Kmer 'GTGGC'>,
 <Kmer 'ATCGA'>]

>>> len(g.nodes)

Access unitig sequence and node metadata

>>> str(g.nodes["TCGAA"])

>>> g.nodes["TCGAA"]['unitig_sequence']

>>> g.nodes["TCGAA"]['head']
<Kmer 'TCGAA'>

>>> g.nodes["TCGAA"]['tail']
<Kmer 'TCAGT'>

>>> g.nodes["TCGAA"]['strand']

>>> for k, v in g.nodes['TCGAA'].items():
   ...:     print(k, "-", v)
colors - <pyfrostcpp.UnitigColors object at 0x10d79d5b0>
unitig_sequence - TCGAAATCAGT
tail - TCAGT
length - 7
strand - Strand.FORWARD
mapped_sequence - TCGAAATCAGT
pos - 0
is_full_mapping - True
unitig_length - 7
head - TCGAA

length and unitig_length are in terms of number of k-mers, not nucleotides. Mapped sequence and length will be discussed later.

Iterate over nodes and its neighbors:

>>> for n, neighbors in g.adj.items():
   ...:     print("Current node:", str(g.nodes[n]))
   ...:     for nbr in neighbors:
   ...:         print("-", str(nbr))
Current node: TCGAAATCAGT
Current node: CCACGGTGG
Current node: CGATGC
Current node: ATGCGAT
Current node: GTGGCAT
Current node: ATCGA

Find a specific k-mer (not necessarily the head of a unitig):

>>> mapping = g.find('AAATC')
>>> for k, v in mapping.items():
    ...:     print(k, "-", v)
colors - <pyfrostcpp.UnitigColors object at 0x10d79d1b0>
unitig_sequence - TCGAAATCAGT
tail - TCAGT
length - 1
strand - Strand.FORWARD
mapped_sequence - AAATC
pos - 3
is_full_mapping - False
unitig_length - 7
head - TCGAA

As you can see, this k-mer is located on the same unitig used in an earlier example. The metadata, however, now shows different values for mapped_sequence and length, and is_full_mapping is now False, because this k-mer doesn't represent a whole unitig. head and tail still refer to the head and tail k-mer of the whole unitig.

Access unitig colors

Bifrost builds colored compacted De Bruijn graphs, and keeps track which k-mers are observed in which references /samples. To obtain which colors are associated with a unitig or a k-mer, access 'colors' in the unitig metadata dict.

for n, data in g.nodes(data=True):
    for c in data['colors']:
        print("Node", n, "has color", c)

Note: By default data['colors'] iterates over all colors associated with any of the k-mers of that unitig. However, it is possible that not all k-mers share the same colors. To access the colors of a specific k-mer of the unitig use g.find() or index:

for n, data in g.nodes(data=True):
    print("Colors of first k-mer in the unitig:", set(data['colors'][0]))

Build the DNA sequence for a path through the graph:

>>> from pyfrost import Kmer, path_sequence, path_nucleotide_length

>>> path_sequence(g, [Kmer('ACTGA'), Kmer('TCGAT'), Kmer('CGATG')])
>>> path_nucleotide_length(g, [Kmer('ACTGA'), Kmer('TCGAT'), Kmer('CGATG')])

K-mer counter

Pyfrost includes a separate k-mer counter. It's still pretty unoptimzed and slow though, but it works.

>>> from pyfrost import KmerCounter
>>> counter = KmerCounter(31).count_kmers("ACTGCTAGCTAGCTACGTACGTACGATCGTACATGCATGC")

# You can k-merize (gzipped) FASTA/FASTQ files directly
>>> counter = KmerCounter(31).count_kmers_files(["data/sample1.fq.gz", "data/sample.2.fq.gz"])

# Save counts for later use

# Load k-mer counts
>>> counter = KmerCounter.from_file("sample.counts")


Pyfrost is still under development and API is still subject to change.