brokenphilip / OMSI_Errors

OMSI 2 Bus Simulator Error Documentation - a (very early) WIP
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OMSI Errors

This repository contains aims to contain information for end-users and developers about various errors which may occur in OMSI 2 Bus Simulator.

[!NOTE] Currently a very early work-in-progress - information is mostly missing, mainly of technical nature, and could be incorrect or misleading.

Feel free to contribute by creating your own (or replying to an existing) issue. The title should ideally be the error itself, and the description should contain any known information about said error - when/how/why it happens and similar. Bonus points if the error is reproducible!

SELF-TODO: should I use discussions instead of issues for this?

Address 00000000 reading/writing 00000000

This error is incredibly vague, applies to all versions of OMSI 2 and can be caused in numerous ways.

When a plugin fails to load ("LoadLibrary failed!" in the log file), this error appears when trying to close the game. You must close it irregularly (eg. Task Manager).

Address 00624BAC writing 00000004

On the latest 2.3.004 OMSI 2 version, in THumanBeing.LoadFromFile, a human being's complex object pointer (THumanBeing.ComplObj:TComplObj) was null.

Indicates an issue with the humans.txt file of a map, likely incorrectly formatted or contains humans that don't exist (which are also written in the logfile).

Address 007C5CC6 reading 00000000

On the latest 2.3.004 OMSI 2 version, in TD3DMeshFileObject.LoadMeshFromPreMesh, a mesh object was invalid (TD3DMeshFileObject.mesh:ID3DXMesh was null).

Seems to occur upon map load when opening the main menu after a failed Direct3D device reset, which is a fatal error, at the end of gameplay, accompanied by a bunch of Direct9 Error: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL in the logfile. Most dialogs will fail to open or otherwise be unresponsive. The game must be closed irregularly (eg. Task Manager).

AMSAV.LI.R [^amsav]

Function: TLoadingInfo.Refresh


Function: TRVList.CopyTempListIntoMainList


Function: TTimeTableMan.RefreshAllTagErledigt (Erledigt = Completed)


Function: TTimeTableMan.RefreshAllVehicleIndizes (Indices)


Function: TTrafficPathManager.GetGlobalPosition

AMUAV.CNAVO.MV.[A-U] (...) [^amuav]

Function: TProgMan.MakeVehicle

AMUAV.CNAVO.MV.C (and potentially others) occurs when the game tries to spawn a bus with no name, which could be a sign of (but not necessarily) a poorly formatted ailists.cfg. Needs more research.

AMUAV.RSAS [^amuav]

Function: TProgMan.RefreshSoundpacksAISwitch

"Black Bus" / "Black Textures"

See this Twitter/X thread for more insight.

However, it is also possible for .dds textures to have the wrong alpha format, as explained by Anonim17PL a while back in this video.[^2] They should have a separate alpha channel & should be in texconv's "dx9" format. The wrongly formatted textures show up as black as OMSI mis-interprets the non-existent alpha channel as a mipmap channel. Additionally, some users had luck by ticking (or unticking?) the "Generate Mip Maps" in Paint.NET, but this is likely a worse solution as it removes mipmaps entirely from textures, rather than formatting them correctly. After export from editing softare, they can be converted as follows:

texconv *.dds -alpha -sepalpha -dx9 -y -ft dds

CHAD - [Humans, Drivers] (...)

Function: TProgMan.CalcMovingObjects (CalcHumansAndDrivers)


Function: TProgMan.CheckKachelSprung (CheckTileJump?)

CMO_[x], CMO.[x]

Function: TProgMan.CalcMovingObjects


Function: TComplMapObjInst.Render

Sometimes, when OMSI hangs (during graphics loading?), using a debugger will cause CMOI.R.3 on your currently driven bus. Needs more research.


Function: RS.CheckSunVisible (see RS.[x])

CV.Calculate - [A-Y]

Function: TRoadVehicleInst.Calculate

CV.Calculate - J[1-3] appear to indicate vehicle script errors. Needs more research.

CV.Calculate - J2 at addresses 007D97B6 (for 2.3.004) or 007D9546 (for 2.2.032) indicates a null TPathSegment (reading from address 00000150, which is the startOffsetX).


Function: TMaterialMan.LoadMaterial

Seems to happen when using "Limit all textures (apart from own bus) to 256x256" under the Advanced Graphics options. Needs more research.

Sometimes, when OMSI hangs (during graphics loading?), using a debugger will cause MM.LM.13. Needs more research.


Function: TRVList_KillMarked (from TProgMan.KillNotNeededCars)


Function: TProgMan_KillVeh (from TProgMan.MarkCarIfNotNeeded)


Function: TProgMan.Render

A loop of this error can occur if a savegame ("situation") with rainy weather is restored, where the street conditions are wet (i.e, reflections visible, WetLane sounds playing) and where there also is a possibility of water sprays being generated by a moving vehicle immediately upon load.[^1]

P.TL - [1-14]

Function: TProgMan.Translate


Function: TPhysObjInstance.GetHeightAboveAll

Sometimes, when OMSI hangs (during graphics loading?), using a debugger will cause POI.GHAA - C on your currently driven bus. Needs more research.

"Reduced multithreading"

This error appears when the game starts after a crash. You can find more information about this error, as well as how to silence it, in this Steam Guide.


Function: RS.HumansInMyBus (see RS.[x])


Function: RS.HumansOutside (see RS.[x])


Function: RS.RenderMyUserVehs (see RS.[x])


Various rendering functions - needs more research (what is RS?).


Function used by RS.RenderAIVeh and RS.RenderOtherUserVeh (see RS.[x])


Function: (TSoundPack?) SoundPackSort


An error within the Access[x]Variable function of a plugin. Find the plugin causing the issue (eg. binary search - disable half of your plugins recursively) and contact their developers.


Function: TTrafficPathManager.ClearAllBelegungenAndDens (Belegungen = Occupancies?)


Function: TTrafficPathManager.GetStreetConditions

TUV [x]


[^1]: See issue #1 [^2]: See issue #2 [^amsav]: AMSAV: TProgMan.AddMissingScheduledAIVehicles [^amuav]: AMUAV: TProgMan.AddMissingUnscheduledAIVehicles