Term::ShellUI makes it easy to implement a comprehensive Bash or GDB-like command line user interface. It supports history, autocompletion, quoting, escaping, pretty much everything you would expect of a decent shell.
Homepage: https://github.com/bronson/Term-ShellUI CPAN: https://metacpan.org/pod/Term::ShellUI
Git: git clone https://github.com/bronson/Term-ShellUI.git
None! It runs just fine with Perl's default Term::ReadLine. However, unless you install Term::ReadLine::GNU, basic functionality like completion, line editing, and history will not work.
If you're on Windows then Term::ReadLine::Perl will be easier to install and work almost as well. The only limitation is that it can't print hints for the user during completion (the completemsg call).
perl Makefile.PL make make test make install
Run examples/synopsis-big. Type 'help' to display the available commands or 'help exists' to show detailed help for the exists command. Notice how everything can be tab-completed. Try passing the wrong number of arguments to a command. Scroll back through history using the up arrow or Control-R. Also try using the history command.
Run 'perldoc lib/Term/ShellUI.pm' to see the API documentation.
Report bugs and submit patches via GitHub.
Term::CiscoCLI https://github.com/jordan2175/term-routercli A fork/rewrite to make the command line feel like a Cisco (Stanford) style CLI. Also adds a bunch of useful features.
Term::TUI Presents a hierarchical command line interface.
Copyright (c) 2003-2012 by Scott Bronson, bronsshellui@rinspin.com All the code in this archive is covered by the MIT license.