I think it would be great if we could move this to apache/brooklyn-client/cli for easier maintenance , publicity and also to easily achieve something like the following for homebrew users
def install
ENV["XC_OS"] = "darwin"
ENV["XC_ARCH"] = MacOS.prefer_64_bit? ? "amd64" : "386"
ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath
brooklyn_client_path = buildpath/"src/github.com/apache/brooklyn-client/"
brooklyn_client_path.install Dir["*"]
Language::Go.stage_deps resources, buildpath/"src"
cd "src/github.com/apache/brooklyn-client/br" do
system "go", "build"
bin.install brooklyn_client_path/"br/br"
bash_completion.install "shell-completion/bash/br"
assuming we have a the br file in shell-completion/bash/. With that in place you should get a message like
Bash completion has been installed to:
when you install br cli with brew install apache-brooklyn-cli
Could also potentially roll it into the brew release on osx or add a new sub-command to initialise auto completion for you (br bash-autocomplete or some such).
I think it would be great if we could move this to
for easier maintenance , publicity and also to easily achieve something like the following for homebrew usersassuming we have a the
file inshell-completion/bash/
. With that in place you should get a message likewhen you install
br cli
withbrew install apache-brooklyn-cli
cc @johnmccabe @grkvlt