A Bash auto-completion script for the br command.
Copy the br file to your /etc/bash_completion.d
directory (or local equivalent) to enable
auto-completion of Brooklyn CLI commands.
Currently supported completions:
br application APPID
br application APPID entity ENTITYID
br application APPID sensor SENSOR
br application APPID effector EFFECTOR
br application APPID config CONFIG
br application APPID entity ENTITYID sensor SENSOR
br application APPID entity ENTITYID effector EFFECTOR
br application APPID entity ENTITYID config CONFIG
br deploy *.yaml
br add-catalog *.bom
Install the script using the following commands:
% wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brooklyncentral/brooklyn-bash-completion/master/br
% sudo mv br /etc/bash_completion.d/br
% . /etc/bash_completion.d/br