brooksphilip / rke2-install

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First lets make sure rke2 isnt there

Make sure required repos are available

subscription-manager repos  --enable=rhel-7-server-extras-rpms

Lets get the scripts and everything on the vms. On each node run the following command

git clone

lets make it executable

chmod +x
chmod +x
chmod +x

Lets generate a token

rke2_token=$(tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 32; echo)

Next lets get the first master set up. cd into the cloned git dir

./ $rke2_token

before we go to the other nodes we need to get the token

echo $rke2_token

Next lets set up the other nodes. Go to the other nodes. <IP_or_fqdn_of_first_master> <token_from_above>

after that you should be able to go back to the first node and run the following and see the nodes in the cluster

kubectl get nodes

Rancher install

lets first make the script executable.

chmox +x

take note of all the cert paths. you will need a concatonated ca chain pem file if you are using a private CA. All these files need to be present on the machine you are running the script.

Install Rancher
