brown-ccv / w3d-translator

Translate Writing _3D xml projects into Unity projects
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Writing3D Projects

Translate Writing3D xml projects into Unity projects. Each scene file is automatically generated.

Please note that the script currently only works on Windows due to difference in the Unity install


poetry install


The translator uses Unity version 2022.1.21f1. Please ensure the Unity.exe file is inC:\\Program Files\\Unity\\Hub\\Editor\\2022.1.21f1\\Editor\\Unity.exe. You can download the version from Unity's archives.


poetry run python IN_DIR OUT_DIR [OPTIONS]



poetry run black . -l 79

Folders & Files

Example Projects

Multiple example projects are included in this repo in the examples folder, any changes to the original xml (as found in the old CaveWriting project) are noted in comments. More detail is given below but here's a tldr overview:


Example projects from the cweditor java program. cweditor enabled CaveWriting project creation with a GUI.

minimum.xml contains the base xml necessary for each project. It includes the PlacementRoot (Center, FrontWall, LeftWall, RightWall, FloorWall) and the Global settings (CameraPos, CaveCameraPos, Background, WandNavigation). Each tag uses its default value.

everything.xml contains at least one of every possible Writing3D tag. The image (w.png) and sound (bad.mp3) used in the project are located in the testMedia subfolder. The default value seems to be used wherever possible, although I have not fully checked to be 100% sure.


Example projects broken down by object type. Many of the projects contain multiple objects but each is used to highlight a different object type and how they can be used.

sample.xml displays a piece of text and several text links. The links move the text object to different walls.

sample_image.xml displays a single image and several text links. The different links move the image onto a given wall.

sample_light.xml displays 3 different lights and moves them around the CAVE.

sample_model.xml displays a single object and several text links. The links move the .obj file to different walls.

sample_move.xml displays several links. Clicking each link moves or rotates the link. One uses MoveCave to move the entire cave and the last link restarts the position of everything.

sample_fountain.xml highlights the usage of ParticleActionLists rather than a specific object. It adds a bunch of particles inside the CAVE that float around some centered letters.

sample_random.xml highlights the usage of Timelines rather than a specific object. It randomly selects one of 3 objects and moves them up or down. Note that this project uses <Story version="5"> and must be translated to version 8 usage the .xslt files.

sound_positional.xml displays several instances of the same sound in different positions around the CAVE, as well as a few links. The sound(s) play in spatial audio when a link is pressed - some actually move the sound around in space.

sound.xml displays a single text object that, when clicked, plays a sound.


vr_movement enables player rotation and movement within the CAVE.

sample_01_first.xml, sample_02_image.xml, sample_03_light.xml, sample_04_model.xml, and sample_05_move.xml are updated versions of their counterparts in cw2_samples.

particles/fountain.xml is an updated version of cw2_samples/sample_fountain.xml.

sample_00_random.xml is the same project as cw2_samples/sample_random.xml but uses Story version="8">

sample_02alt_image.xml is an alternate version of sample_02_image

sample_06_movie.xml animates a sequence of images into a movie

sample_07_stereoimage.xml displays a stereo image and several text links. The different links move the image onto a given wall.

sample_08_stereoleftvsright.xml is an alternate version of sample_07_stereoimage.xml. The links alter the image in different ways.

sample_09_fontlights.xml is a similar project to sample_01_first.xml and cw2_samples/sample.xml. The text/actions are different but follow the same concept, and it includes a Light.

sample_10_textalign.xml displays text using different alignment methods.

sample_11_click.xml highlights different versions of the Clicks tag on a link - including single vs double clicking an object.

sample_12_move.xml highlights the difference between relative and absolute movement within the CAVE.

sample_13_scaling.xml shows an image and two text objects. It shows the relative difference between scaling, depth, etc.

sample_14_alignment.xml uses the same base project as sample_13_scaling.xml but showcases the different text alignment options. It follows the same general pattern as sample_10_textalign.xml

sample_15_multiline.xml showcases a multiline text object.

sample_16_multiline.xml uses the same base project as sample_15_multiline.xml but has more grid images.

particles/text_blizzard.xml displays a ParticleSystem where the particles keep changing color and size.

The files in notYetPublished are more example projects that were never completed. They may be useful to look at and see the development process but should generally be ignored.

Student Projects

Three different student projects are found in the projects folder. These are completed projects used to develop this package. Run the script and see their projects for real!


Input folder used during development.