brownfield-team / anacapa-github-linker

A tool for managing students in computer science courses. Deployed at:
MIT License
4 stars 6 forks source link


This is a rails application that allows for course management in conjunction with GitHub and GitHub organizations. It pairs classes with GitHub organizations and invites students to the GitHub organization when the students join the course.

React Storybooks:



Deploying to Heroku

Selecting version/branch on heroku from this repository

  1. Fork this repository to the GitHub user that's responsible for Heroku.
  2. Navigate to your apps dashboard on Heroku and create a new application.
  3. Select GitHub as the deployment method and then specify the forked repo, then hit deploy at the bottom.

    Hey it's not working...

    • Don't worry, there is still some other setup we need to do before it's up and running.

    Machine user and application key setup

  4. Create a new Github account. This account will act as the machine user for this application, and will be the user that handles interactions with the GitHub API that require verification (inviting to organizations, editting repos, etc.).
    • NOTE: GitHub has a policy of limiting each human user to one machine user. Violating this rule violates their terms of service.
  5. Using the machine user visit Developer Settings under the user's Settings.

    • Here you can create a new OAuth application (this one), and get the keys necessary for this application to interact with the GitHub API.
    • The application callback url will be https://insert-your-heroku-app-link-here/users/auth/github/callback

    Setting environment variables

  6. Using the Client ID and the Client Secret from the GitHub app dashboard, which will be added to the Heroku app's Config Vars as OMNIAUTH_PROVIDER_KEY and OMNIAUTH_PROVIDER_SECRET of the Heroku app (Settings under the Application Dashboard)
  7. Create a random string (16 characters is fine) and set it as the value of DEVISE_SECRET_KEY.
  8. Go to the machine user's GitHub Settings -> Developer Settings -> Personal Access Tokens, and then create a token with repo, admin:org, and notifications permissions. The created key will be MACHINE_USER_KEY, and the machine user's username will be MACHINE_USER_NAME.
  9. OMNIAUTH_STRATEGY should be set as github and GIT_PROVIDER_URL will be

    Creating the database on heroku

  10. Navigate to the More button on the and select Run console.
  11. Run rake db:migrate.
  12. Try the app!

How to use




Getting Started on Localhost

You will need:

.env values

The dotenv.example file contains example values and some information on the values you shoudl put into your .env. Here is a bit more information.

The following two values can typically be left as is. Originally, we had intended that the code would work for different strategies and different git providers. For the time being it is only known to work with these values. However, these values to have to be provided.

The next two values require you to set up a Github OAuth application.

To configure an OAuth App for Github:

  1. This link should take you directly to the page to create a new OAuth App:

    Or you can navigate to it this way:

    • Go to the Settings page for your own github account
    • Find the tab down the left column that says "Developer Settings"
    • Click the tab for OAuth Apps
    • Click the button New OAuth App
  2. You now have a form to fill in.

    • Application name: Fill in something like anacapa-github-linker on localhost

    • Homepage URL: Enter

      • http://localhost:3000 or
    • Application Description is optional. If you fill it in, users will see it when they are asked to authorize access to their GitHub account.

    • Authorization callback URL:

  3. Once you enter this information, you'll get a client id and a client secret.

    • The client id goes in the OMNIAUTH_PROVIDER_KEY
    • The client secret goes in the OMNIAUTH_PROVIDER_SECRET

Next we have the machine user name.

For the machine user name, for testing purposes, use your own github userid.

MACHINE_USER_NAME=<your machine user's name>

For the machine user key, go to your settings, under developer settings, under personal access tokens, i.e.

Create a personal access token with the following scopes:

admin:org, admin:org_hook, notifications, repo

Put the access token value in for the machine users key. Note that you should treat that value VERY carefully, as it is equivalent to a password to your github account.

Revoke it when you are finished testing the application.

The final value can be any string that you type. It is used a cryptographic "salt", so it just needs to be arbitrary.

DEVISE_SECRET_KEY=<a random alphunmeric string used by devise to salt its sessions>


To create a full backup of the current database:

heroku pg:backups:capture --app ucsb-cs-github-linker
heroku pg:backups:download --app ucsb-cs-github-linker

This creates latest.dump in the current directory. Then you need to have postgres installed locally so that you can use the pg_restore command to convert this to a text .sql file like this:

pg_restore -f latest.sql latest.dump 

To have staging pull in data from production, run the following command (with heroku cli configured):

heroku pg:backups:restore `heroku pg:backups:url --app ucsb-cs-github-linker` DATABASE_URL --app anacapa-github-linker-test --confirm anacapa-github-linker-test


For end2end testing, see: DOCS/playwright/

Frontend tests should be placed under the test/javascript directory. For frontend testing of React components run: