brownplt / pyret-docs

The documentation for Pyret.
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The source of the documentation for the Pyret programming language.

Read the built documentation at

Learn about the language at

See the code for the language at

Program in Pyret at


Make sure you install Racket.

If you are using a Mac, racket will not be runnable automatically. To make it runnable, say that you are using Racket 6.5 and install the program at /Applications/Racket\ v6.5/, you need to put

export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/Racket\ v6.5/bin/

to .bashrc (if you use Bash) and then restart the shell to make it take an effect.

Also make sure you have node and npm.

When you have everything mentioned above, run make install to download additional files needed for compilation.


You can compile the documentation via make.