brownsys / pl-mapping

Router mapping via PlanetLab
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Router mapping via PlanetLab

Setting up master server

  1. Create MySQL user and database
  2. Make sure php5-cli is installed
  3. Install entries in regular & root user's crontabs
  4. Make pl-uploads directory on the web server writable by the httpd user
  5. Enable HTTP PUT method using something like:
  <Directory /vol/web/html>
   Script PUT /pl-upload.php
   Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews
   AllowOverride All
   Order allow,deny
   allow from all

Rough example for deploying on slaves

export MQ_SLICE=brown_map
export MQ_NODES=/home/adf/RouterPeek/pl-mapping/support/nodes.brown_map.txt
SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-LWqws24865/agent.24865; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK;   [for example]
SSH_AGENT_PID=24866; export SSH_AGENT_PID;    [for example]
ssh-add ~/.ssh/pl_key
multicopy client/
multicopy client/
multiquery "/home/brown_map/ /home/brown_map/"

Get multicopy and multiquery from CoDeploy

nodes.brown_map.txt and the script to generate it are in the support directory

Running iffinder on quanto

We use quanto to run iffinder since it has a direct connection to the internet and we have root access. The master drops lists of IP addresses on quanto for it to run iffinder on periodically.

To setup, install the crontab entry which is in the quanto-iffinder dir, as well as the script. It is also necessary to create a directory called results and install iffinder.