brownts / gpr-ts-mode

GNAT Project major mode using tree-sitter for Emacs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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+TITLE: GNAT Project Major Mode using Tree-Sitter

+AUTHOR: Troy Brown


+OPTIONS: toc:nil ':t

+EXPORT_FILE_NAME: doc/gpr-ts-mode.texi


+TEXINFO_DIR_TITLE: GPR Tree-Sitter Mode: (gpr-ts-mode)

+TEXINFO_DIR_DESC: GNAT Project Major Mode using Tree-Sitter



A major mode for GNAT Project (GPR) files, which utilizes the Emacs built-in support for tree-sitter, first available starting with Emacs 29. The tree-sitter functionality is used to build an in-memory concrete syntax tree of the parsed language, allowing operations such as syntax highlighting to be performed more accurately than historical methods (e.g., regular expressions).

This major mode provides support for syntax highlighting, indentation, navigation, Imenu, "which function" (i.e., displaying the current function name in the mode line) and outlining (via =outline-minor-mode=).

Note: This major mode is based on the Emacs 29 (or newer) built-in tree-sitter support, not to be confused with the separate Emacs tree-sitter package. The two are not compatible with each other.

Note: Outlining is made available through Emacs 30 (or newer) built-in support for outlining within tree-sitter major modes, therefore it is required for =outline-minor-mode= to work with =gpr-ts-mode=.

There are a couple of requirements which must be met in order to use tree-sitter powered major modes. The Emacs documentation should be consulted which will provide complete details. The following are the main points to consider:

There are multiple ways in which a package can be installed in Emacs. The most convenient way is to use a package archive, however installation directly from the git repository is also possible. In addition, there are multiple third party package managers available, but installation instructions in this section will focus only on the built-in package manager (i.e., =package.el=). It is assumed that power-users will not need direction as to how to use other package managers.

In addition to package management, it is also common practice to perform package configuration. There are also multiple third party packages for managing your package configuration, however =use-package= is now built-in to Emacs. Refer to the example configuration section for ideas on how to utilize =use-package= to setup your own personal configuration.

** From the MELPA Package Archive

This package can be installed from the MELPA package archive using the Emacs built-in package manager (i.e., =package.el=). MELPA is not configured in the package manager by default, but the following can be used to configure the use of the MELPA archive. Refer to [[][Getting Started]] for additional details on configuring and using the MELPA package archive.

+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t)


Once configured as above, instruct the package manager to refresh the available packages and to perform the installation, as follows:

** From the Git Repository

Installation directly from the source repository is possible using ~package-vc-install~. The following command can be used to perform this installation:

=M-x package-vc-install RET RET=

In order for gpr-ts-mode to be useful, it needs to have the specific tree-sitter GPR language grammar library installed. This library is different from the tree-sitter library mentioned in the prerequisites section (e.g., vs The library is not bundled with gpr-ts-mode, but is maintained separately. With the default configuration, the first time gpr-ts-mode is loaded (in the absence of an existing installed library) it will prompt to download, build and install the grammar library. The following settings provide control over this activity.

In order to build the library, you will need to have a C compiler installed. Refer to the Emacs documentation surrounding ~treesit-install-language-grammar~, as gpr-ts-mode uses the built-in Emacs functionality to perform the download, building and installation of the library.

It's also possible to skip this step if you already have a pre-built library for the language. In which case, placing the pre-built library in the correct location will allow gpr-ts-mode to find and use the library. You can customize ~treesit-extra-load-path~ to add extra locations to search for libraries.

The [[][README]] for the GPR language grammar, provides instructions on building the library from source if you'd rather perform that step manually or don't have the correct toolchain installed in order for this to be performed automatically. You will only be prompted if the library can't be found in one of the expected locations. The prompting can also be controlled by changing the ~gpr-ts-mode-grammar-install~ setting.

If manually installing, or troubleshooting the installation of the GPR language grammar, you can use the following to check whether Emacs can locate the library:

There are 4 different levels of syntax highlighting available, providing an increasing amount of highlighting. By default in Emacs, level 3 (controlled by ~treesit-font-lock-level~) is used to provide a compromise between providing too little and too much fontification. It should be noted that the levels are cumulative, meaning that each level also includes all of the fontification in the levels below it. The following provides the list of features and how they are mapped to the different font lock levels.

The following user options can be customized to modify the syntax highlighting characteristics:

Indentation follows the nesting structure of the language. Each nested level is indented a fixed amount. Thus the general indentation offset governs the amount of this indentation. Additional configurations address special cases, such as the indentation of a construct spanning multiple lines (i.e., broken indent). The following configurations can be used to customize these indentation levels to match your own style.

It should be noted that the offsets defined above are described in terms of each other, so that by customizing the standard indentation offset ~gpr-ts-mode-indent-offset~, the other indentation offsets will be adjusted accordingly. In other words, those settings either use the same value or a value derived from it. Therefore, customizing the base value will have an affect on the remaining values as well. If this is not the desired outcome, the other offsets should be customized as well.

Stacking of a list of items on subsequent lines is supported and the indentation will align stacked items under each other. This applies to lists, function call parameters, import lists, discrete choice lists in case constructions, etc.

Indentation rules used in ~gpr-ts-mode~, as in all tree-sitter based modes, are based on the syntax of the language. When what currently exists in the buffer is not syntactically correct, the in-memory syntax tree will contain errors, since the buffer doesn't adhere to the grammar rules of the language (i.e., it contains syntax errors). Due to these errors, the indentation may not be applied correctly as the in-memory syntax tree may not accurately reflect the language (i.e., the tree will contain an ~ERROR~ node instead of a language specific node) and indentation rules may not be applied when they should, due to these errors.

To help combat this issue, it is suggested to use functionality that can help to reduce the number of syntax errors that might exist in the buffer at a particular point in time. Functionality such as enabling =electric-pair-mode= to insert matching parenthesis, quotation marks, etc. or using snippets (e.g., [[][gpr-yasnippets]]) to automatically insert multi-line control constructs (e.g., project declarations, package declarations, case statements, etc.) are highly recommended. Not only can this help keep your buffer closer to a syntactically correct state, you also benefit from the productivity gains as well.

The indentation strategy can help recover from previously incorrect indentation that has occurred while the buffer was in a syntactically invalid state. The default ~declaration~ setting for =gpr-ts-mode-indent-strategy= will re-indent at the declaration level once the declaration is in a syntactically valid state. When invalid syntax exists within a declaration, this strategy reverts back to "best effort" line-based indentation. Once the syntax becomes valid, indentation will be applied at the declaration level.

If none of the existing indentation strategies are sufficient, a custom strategy can be created and used. In order to create a strategy, a new strategy symbol should be specified in =gpr-ts-mode-indent-strategy=, and an implementation of =gpr-ts-mode-indent= should be created, specializing on the new strategy symbol name. Refer to existing instances of this function to understand how current strategy functions are implemented.

The following specialized navigation functions exist and are applied to GPR projects. Since function declarations don't exist for GPR project files, this is repurposed to navigate packages and projects instead. This re-purposing of function to project/package is also extended to =which-function-mode= support and will show the current project and package in the mode line, when enabled.

Starting with Emacs 30, additional navigation functions are provided for ~S-expression~ and ~sentence~ traversal using the standard Emacs commands (i.e., =forward-sexp=, =forward-sentence=, etc).

With the provided Imenu support, additional options are available for ease of navigation within a single GPR file. Imenu supports indexing of attributes, packages, projects, type declarations, variable declarations and with clauses. Custom categories can also be defined.

The items in each Imenu category can be sorted for each nesting level. The specific ordering is controlled via =imenu-sort-function=, which can be customized to specify the desired sorting function. When =imenu-sort-function= is nil, items are listed in the order they appear in the buffer. It should be noted that while the mode applies the sorting as specified by =imenu-sort-function= as well as the category ordering specified in =gpr-ts-mode-imenu-categories=, downstream functionality (such as completion candidates in the minibuffer) may rearrange the order of items.

If none of the existing categories are sufficient, or an additional category is desired, a custom category can be created and used. In order to create a category, a new category symbol should be added to =gpr-ts-mode-imenu-categories=, a name mapping should be added to =gpr-ts-mode-imenu-category-name-alist=, and an implementation of =gpr-ts-mode-imenu-index= should be created, specializing on the new category symbol name. Refer to existing instances of this function to understand how current category index functions are implemented.

** Org Mode Source Code Blocks

When Org Mode doesn't know the major mode for the language of a source block, it will guess by appending "-mode" to the end of the language name. If we use a language name of "gpr", this means it will look for a major mode named "gpr-mode". This default behavior doesn't work if we want to use Tree-Sitter enabled modes. Maybe in the future it will be aware of these modes, but in the meantime, we can explicitly configure Org Mode to map to the Tree-Sitter major mode using the customization variable =org-src-lang-modes=.

The following can be added to your configuration to persist the setting:

+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

(with-eval-after-load 'org-src (add-to-list 'org-src-lang-modes '("gpr" . gpr-ts)))


** LSP Overriding Imenu

The mode's Imenu support might be overridden if an LSP client is used with the major mode. The mode typically provides a more organized and configurable Imenu experience than that provided by the Language Server. In such cases, in order to use the mode's built-in Imenu support rather than that provided via the Language Server, Imenu support must be disabled in the LSP client's configuration. For Eglot, LSP-provided Imenu is disabled by adding the =imenu= symbol to the list in the =eglot-stay-out-of= variable.

+BEGIN_SRC elisp

(setq eglot-stay-out-of '(imenu))


For =lsp-mode=, LSP-provided Imenu is disabled by clearing the ~lsp-enable-imenu~ user option.

+BEGIN_SRC elisp

(setq lsp-enable-imenu nil)


The following is an example configuration using =use-package= to manage this configuration. It assumes that =package.el= is your package manager. This checks to make sure tree-sitter support is enabled in Emacs before attempting to install/configure the package, thus your configuration will remain compatible with versions of Emacs which don't yet support tree-sitter, and will not install and configure this package in its absence. Additionally, this also includes installation and configuration of recommended supporting packages and modes.

+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

(when (and (fboundp 'treesit-available-p) (treesit-available-p)) (use-package gpr-ts-mode :ensure t :defer t ; autoload updates `auto-mode-alist' :init ;; Configure source blocks for Org Mode. (with-eval-after-load 'org-src (add-to-list 'org-src-lang-modes '("gpr" . gpr-ts)))))

;; Configure Imenu

(use-package imenu :ensure nil ; built-in :custom (imenu-auto-rescan t) :hook (gpr-ts-mode . imenu-add-menubar-index))

;; Configure Electric Pair

(use-package elec-pair :ensure nil ; built-in :hook (gpr-ts-mode . electric-pair-local-mode))

;; Configure snippets

(use-package gpr-yasnippets :ensure t :defer t) ; autoload hooks into yasnippet

(use-package yasnippet :ensure t :hook (gpr-ts-mode . yas-minor-mode-on))


Local Variables:

eval: (add-hook 'after-save-hook #'org-texinfo-export-to-info nil t)
