browserify / browser-resolve

resolve function which support the browser field in package.json
MIT License
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browser-resolve Build Status

node.js resolve algorithm with browser field support.


bresolve(id, opts={}, cb)

Resolve a module path and call cb(err, path [, pkg])


Additionally, options supported by node-resolve can be used.

bresolve.sync(id, opts={})

Same as the async resolve, just uses sync methods.

Additionally, options supported by node-resolve can be used.

basic usage

you can resolve files like require.resolve():

var bresolve = require('browser-resolve');
bresolve('../', { filename: __filename }, function(err, path) {
$ node example/resolve.js

core modules

By default, core modules (http, dgram, etc) will return their same name as the path. If you want to have specific paths returned, specify a modules property in the options object.

var shims = {
    http: '/your/path/to/http.js'

var bresolve = require('browser-resolve');
bresolve('http', { modules: shims }, function(err, path) {
$ node example/builtin.js

browser field

browser-specific versions of modules

  "name": "custom",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "browser": {
    "./main.js": "custom.js"
var bresolve = require('browser-resolve');
var parent = { filename: __dirname + '/custom/file.js' };
bresolve('./main.js', parent, function(err, path) {
$ node example/custom.js

You can use different package.json properties for the resolution, if you want to allow packages to target different environments for example:

  "browser": { "./main.js": "custom.js" },
  "chromeapp": { "./main.js": "custom-chromeapp.js" }
var bresolve = require('browser-resolve');
var parent = { filename: __dirname + '/custom/file.js', browser: 'chromeapp' };
bresolve('./main.js', parent, function(err, path) {
$ node example/custom.js


You can skip over dependencies by setting a browser field value to false:

  "name": "skip",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "browser": {
    "tar": false

This is handy if you have code like:

var tar = require('tar');

exports.add = function (a, b) {
    return a + b;

exports.parse = function () {
    return tar.Parse();

so that require('tar') will just return {} in the browser because you don't intend to support the .parse() export in a browser environment.

var bresolve = require('browser-resolve');
var parent = { filename: __dirname + '/skip/main.js' };
bresolve('tar', parent, function(err, path) {
$ node example/skip.js



upgrade notes

Prior to v1.x this library provided shims for node core modules. These have since been removed. If you want to have alternative core modules provided, use the modules option when calling bresolve().

This was done to allow package managers to choose which shims they want to use without browser-resolve being the central point of update.