brucemiller / LaTeXML

LaTeXML: a TeX and LaTeX to XML/HTML/ePub/MathML translator.
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lipsum having problems #2204

Open teepeemm opened 1 year ago

teepeemm commented 1 year ago

The following:


fails after 10 minutes with 100 errors (that are similar to the errors we were having before we got expl3 working). More strangely, if I \usepackage{expl3} before lipsum, then LaTeXML gets stuck in an infinite loop after 10 minutes, with the first error being that \ExplSyntaxOn is not defined. In both cases, it seems like LaTeXML has forgotten some aspect of expl3. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble figuring out how that happened.

I've boiled the infinite loop down to


The infinite loop happens while trying to InputDefinitions('expl3', type => 'ltx', noltxml => 1);, but if I call that instead of LoadPool, then it works fine.

Without \usepackage{expl3}, lipsum seems to get through loading expl3 alright, but then starts having trouble with intarrays as soon as it tries to do something more than defining new functions.

dginev commented 1 year ago

@teepeemm just in case, could you also add the output of tex --version here, as well as the exact snippet that fails?

The one above succeeds for me with the latest latexml master, on texlive 2022:

$ tex --version
TeX 3.141592653 (TeX Live 2022)
kpathsea version 6.3.4
teepeemm commented 1 year ago
% tex --version  
TeX 3.141592653 (TeX Live 2023)
kpathsea version 6.3.5

LaTeXML starts with

latexml (LaTeXML version 0.8.7) processing lipsumtest
Package: expl3

then pauses for 10 minutes, then

Error:undefined:\ExplSyntaxOn The token T_CS[\ExplSyntaxOn] is not defined. at expl3.ltx; line 75 col 0
Error:undefined:\bool The token T_CS[\bool] is not defined. at expl3.ltx; line 76 col 7
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 76 col 9
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 76 col 14
Error:undefined:\g The token T_CS[\g] is not defined. at expl3.ltx; line 76 col 22
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 76 col 24
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 76 col 25
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 76 col 30
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 76 col 37
Error:undefined:\tl The token T_CS[\tl] is not defined. at expl3.ltx; line 80 col 3
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 80 col 5
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 80 col 8
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 80 col 19
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 80 col 21
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 80 col 26
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 80 col 30
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 80 col 34
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 81 col 9
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 81 col 20
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 81 col 22
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 81 col 27
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 81 col 31
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 81 col 35
Error:undefined:\cs The token T_CS[\cs] is not defined. at expl3.ltx; line 82 col 3
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 82 col 5
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 82 col 10
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 82 col 27
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 82 col 34
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 82 col 38
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 82 col 52
Error:misdefined:# The token T_PARAM[#] should never reach Stomach! at expl3.ltx; line 82 col 59
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 84 col 9
Error:misdefined:# The token T_PARAM[#] should never reach Stomach! at expl3.ltx; line 84 col 27
Warning:missing_file:#1 Can't find definitions #1 at expl3.ltx; line 86 col 8
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 86 col 10
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 86 col 11
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 86 col 16
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 86 col 20
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 86 col 24
Error:undefined:\keys The token T_CS[\keys] is not defined. at expl3.ltx; line 88 col 5
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 88 col 7
Error:undefined:\sys The token T_CS[\sys] is not defined. at expl3.ltx; line 92 col 12
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 92 col 14
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 92 col 19
Error:misdefined:# The token T_PARAM[#] should never reach Stomach! at expl3.ltx; line 92 col 30
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 95 col 14
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 95 col 19
Error:undefined:\debug The token T_CS[\debug] is not defined. at expl3.ltx; line 96 col 14
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 96 col 16
Error:misdefined:# The token T_PARAM[#] should never reach Stomach! at expl3.ltx; line 98 col 34
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 100 col 12
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 100 col 17
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 103 col 14
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 103 col 19
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 104 col 16
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 106 col 36
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 106 col 41
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 107 col 12
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 107 col 13
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 107 col 20
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 107 col 28
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 107 col 35
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 111 col 5
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 111 col 8
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 113 col 9
Error:unexpected:_ Script _ can only appear in math mode at expl3.ltx; line 113 col 13
Error:unexpected:\endgroup Attempt to close non-boxing group at expl3.ltx; line 113 col 0
 / Digesting > Processing > Loading > Loading > Processing definitions /usr/local/texlive/2023/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/expl3.ltx

After waiting another 10 minutes, I kill the process and see

Fatal:interrupt:interrupted LaTeXML was interrupted
    at expl3.ltx; line 113 col 0 - line 113 col 29
    In Core::Definition::Conditional[\ifx To... /Users/timothy.prescott/Documents/programming/github/LaTeXML/lib/LaTeXML/Package/TeX.pool.ltxml; line 789
     <= Core::Gullet[@0x7fd8b9435330] <= Core::Stomach[@0x7fd8b94849f8] <= Core::Definition::Primitive[Begin] <= Core::Stomach[@0x7fd8b94849f8] <= Core::Gullet[@0x7fd8b9435330] <= Core::Definition::Constructor[\usepac... <= Core::Stomach[@0x7fd8b94849f8]
Conversion failed 1 warning; 66 errors; 1 fatal error; 8 undefined macros[\debug, \bool, \tl, \ExplSyntaxOn, \g, \keys, \cs, \sys]; 1 missing file[#1.\c] (See /Users/timothy.prescott/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/programming/latexml/lipsum/lipsumtest.latexml.log) (reqd. 19m 8.94s)
dginev commented 1 year ago

Even with the regression in #2175 patched, I still think we should warn users against using latexml + texlive 2023, with packages depending on LaTeX 3, until we put in place a solution that avoids the 21 minute "warm up" load.

Both for the lipsum regression reported here, as well as for the t/structure/glossary regression, the wait makes debugging in texlive 2023 somewhat prohibitive.

dginev commented 1 year ago

I can reproduce the following log with the latest latexml:

``` $ time latexmlc --timeout=600000 lipsum_load.tex --dest=lipsum_load.html latexmlc (LaTeXML version 0.8.7; revision 6e3906a1) processing started Thu Oct 12 17:07:21 2023 Package: expl3 Error:expected:__intarray:w Expected an intarray identifier, got \c__codepoint_lowercase_index_intarray at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:) Missing close parenthesis in Number expr. at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:__intarray:w Expected an intarray identifier, got \c__codepoint_lowercase_index_intarray at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:Match:? Missing argument Match:? for Core::Definition::Expandable[\??? Match:?] at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:__intarray:w Expected an intarray identifier, got \c__codepoint_lowercase_blocks_intarray at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:Match:? Missing argument Match:? for Core::Definition::Expandable[\??? Match:?] at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:undefined:\exp_stop_f: The token T_CS[\exp_stop_f:] is not defined at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:__intarray:w Expected an intarray identifier, got \c__codepoint_lowercase_index_intarray at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:) Missing close parenthesis in Number expr. at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:__intarray:w Expected an intarray identifier, got \c__codepoint_lowercase_index_intarray at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:Match:? Missing argument Match:? for Core::Definition::Expandable[\??? Match:?] at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:__intarray:w Expected an intarray identifier, got \c__codepoint_lowercase_blocks_intarray at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:Match:? Missing argument Match:? for Core::Definition::Expandable[\??? Match:?] at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:undefined:\exp_stop_f: The token T_CS[\exp_stop_f:] is not defined at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:__intarray:w Expected an intarray identifier, got \c__codepoint_lowercase_index_intarray at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:) Missing close parenthesis in Number expr. at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:__intarray:w Expected an intarray identifier, got \c__codepoint_lowercase_index_intarray at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:Match:? Missing argument Match:? for Core::Definition::Expandable[\??? Match:?] at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:__intarray:w Expected an intarray identifier, got \c__codepoint_lowercase_blocks_intarray at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:Match:? Missing argument Match:? for Core::Definition::Expandable[\??? Match:?] at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:undefined:\exp_stop_f: The token T_CS[\exp_stop_f:] is not defined at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:__intarray:w Expected an intarray identifier, got \c__codepoint_lowercase_index_intarray at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:) Missing close parenthesis in Number expr. at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:__intarray:w Expected an intarray identifier, got \c__codepoint_lowercase_index_intarray at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:Match:? Missing argument Match:? for Core::Definition::Expandable[\??? Match:?] at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:__intarray:w Expected an intarray identifier, got \c__codepoint_lowercase_blocks_intarray at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:Match:? Missing argument Match:? for Core::Definition::Expandable[\??? Match:?] at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:undefined:\exp_stop_f: The token T_CS[\exp_stop_f:] is not defined at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:__intarray:w Expected an intarray identifier, got \c__codepoint_lowercase_index_intarray at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:) Missing close parenthesis in Number expr. at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:__intarray:w Expected an intarray identifier, got \c__codepoint_lowercase_index_intarray at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:Match:? Missing argument Match:? for Core::Definition::Expandable[\??? Match:?] at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:__intarray:w Expected an intarray identifier, got \c__codepoint_lowercase_blocks_intarray at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:Match:? Missing argument Match:? for Core::Definition::Expandable[\??? Match:?] at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected: Expected a relational token for comparision at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:undefined:\exp_stop_f: The token T_CS[\exp_stop_f:] is not defined at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:unexpected:\__int_eval_end: The control sequence \__int_eval_end: should not appear between \csname and \endcsname at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:__intarray:w Expected an intarray identifier, got \c__codepoint_lowercase_index_intarray at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Warning:expected: Missing number, treated as zero at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:) Missing close parenthesis in Number expr. at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:__intarray:w Expected an intarray identifier, got \c__codepoint_lowercase_index_intarray at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:Match:? Missing argument Match:? for Core::Definition::Expandable[\??? Match:?] at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:__intarray:w Expected an intarray identifier, got \c__codepoint_lowercase_blocks_intarray at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Error:expected:Match:? Missing argument Match:? for Core::Definition::Expandable[\??? Match:?] at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 Fatal:too_many_errors:100 Too many errors (> 100)! at lipsum.sty; line 208 col 0 - line 208 col 3 In Core::Definition::Expandable[\??? Mat... /usr/local/texlive/2023/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/expl3-code.tex; from line 10514 col 0 to line 10514 col 33 Conversion complete: 31 warnings; 101 errors; 1 fatal error (See /tmp/lipsum_load.latexml.log) Post-processing complete: No obvious problems Status:conversion:3 real 19m41.674s user 19m38.551s sys 0m2.159s ```