brucemiller / LaTeXML

LaTeXML: a TeX and LaTeX to XML/HTML/ePub/MathML translator.
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`subfiles` package breaks `algorithm2e` #2323

Closed GregDMeyer closed 3 months ago

GregDMeyer commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the wonderful package!

I am observing the following issue. Take the following example:




\nl Try to compile a \LaTeX{} document into HTML \;
\nl Have a mysterious issue \;
\While{cause is unclear}
    \nl Play around with the \TeX \;
    \nl Fiddle with the compiler \;
\nl Submit an issue to the LaTeXML project \;

\caption{How to get where I am today}



Running pdflatex yields the following:


Meanwhile, running latexmlc yields a broken algorithm. Line 3 is on the same line as the while statement:


However commenting out \usepackage{subfiles} causes latexmlc to yield the correct output:


Thanks in advance!