brucemiller / LaTeXML

LaTeXML: a TeX and LaTeX to XML/HTML/ePub/MathML translator.
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Figure not showing #544

Closed bernhard-kleine closed 9 years ago

bernhard-kleine commented 9 years ago

I have a figure:

  \centering \small
    % draft,%
           \caption{Endocrine regulation via hypothalamic--pituitary axes}\label{fig:hpaxes}

which does not show up while there is no error message. The relevant text in test1.html formed by

latexmlpost test1.xml --destination=test1.html --format=html5 --index

remains empty: <img src="" ...

<figure id="Ch3.F1" class="ltx_figure"><img src="" id="Ch3.F1.g1" class="ltx_graphics ltx_centering" alt="">
<figcaption class="ltx_caption ltx_centering ltx_font_small"><span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_figure">Figure 3.1: </span>Endocrine regulation via hypothalamic–pituitary axes. </figcaption>

In Chap3/g/ are both HPAchsen.pdf and HPAchsen.svg and HPAchsen.svg is one candidate mentioned in test1.xml:

 <figure frefnum="Figure 3.1" placement="hbt" refnum="3.1" xml:id="Ch3.F1" labels="LABEL:fig:hpaxes">
          <graphics candidates="Chap3\g\HPAchsen.pdf,Chap3\g\HPAchsen.svg,Chap3\g\HPAchsen.pdf,Chap3\g\HPAchsen.svg" graphic="Chap3/g/HPAchsen" options="width=327.206693pt" xml:id="Ch3.F1.g1" class="ltx_centering"/>

The figure as such is there with the caption but the image is lacking. please advise

brucemiller commented 9 years ago

The filenames in the attributes on the graphics element in the XML are all missing the underscore, but I'm not seeing the underscores removed on my tests. Maybe there's some thing redefined or some broken package being included? (or some other typo?).

A complete (but small) example that displays the problem (but works in latex or pdflatex) would be very helpful here.

bernhard-kleine commented 9 years ago

I have now a small example of what I encountered. I works perfectly well in Pdflatex. I think something wrong in the path conversion from xml to html , and only for SVG not for png:

\usepackage{rotating}% für gedrehte Tabelle etc.


    \includegraphics{Chap4/g/orexine} %pdf and svg versions
    \caption{Orexin precursor and its primary sequence}
    \includegraphics{Chap4/g/orexin} %only png
    \caption{Orexin precursor and its primary sequence}


The xml with latexml test3.tex --output=test3.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?latexml searchpaths="F:/EigeneDateien/BuchprojektSpringer/XMLtestordner"?>
<?latexml class="book" options="12pt,a4paper"?>
<?latexml package="inputenc" options="utf8"?>
<?latexml package="rotating"?>
<?latexml package="float"?>
<?latexml package="caption"?>
<?latexml RelaxNGSchema="LaTeXML"?>
<document xmlns="">
  <resource src="LaTeXML.css" type="text/css"/>
  <resource src="ltx-book.css" type="text/css"/>
  <figure frefnum="Figure 0.1" refnum="0.1" xml:id="Ch0.F1">
    <graphics candidates="Chap4\g\orexine.pdf,Chap4\g\orexine.svg,Chap4\g\orexine.pdf,Chap4\g\orexine.svg" graphic="Chap4/g/orexine" xml:id="Ch0.F1.g1"/>
    <!-- %pdf and svg versions -->
    <toccaption><tag close=" ">0.1</tag>Orexin precursor and its primary sequence</toccaption>
    <caption><tag close=": ">Figure 0.1</tag>Orexin precursor and its primary sequence</caption>
  <figure frefnum="Figure 0.2" refnum="0.2" xml:id="Ch0.F2">
    <graphics candidates="Chap4\g\orexin.png,Chap4\g\orexin.png" graphic="Chap4/g/orexin" xml:id="Ch0.F2.g1"/>
    <!-- %only png -->
    <toccaption><tag close=" ">0.2</tag>Orexin precursor and its primary sequence</toccaption>
    <caption><tag close=": ">Figure 0.2</tag>Orexin precursor and its primary sequence</caption>

and the HTML:

<!--Generated on Sun Oct 19 14:35:45 2014 by LaTeXML (version v0.8.0)>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="LaTeXML.css" type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="ltx-book.css" type="text/css">
<div class="ltx_page_main">
<div class="ltx_page_content">
<section class="ltx_document">
<figure id="Ch0.F1" class="ltx_figure"><img src="" id="Ch0.F1.g1" class="ltx_graphics" alt="">
<figcaption class="ltx_caption"><span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_figure">Figure 0.1: </span>Orexin precursor and its primary sequence</figcaption>
<figure id="Ch0.F2" class="ltx_figure"><img src="Chap4%5Cg%5Corexin.png" id="Ch0.F2.g1" class="ltx_graphics" width="408" height="75" alt="">
<figcaption class="ltx_caption"><span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_figure">Figure 0.2: </span>Orexin precursor and its primary sequence</figcaption>
<footer class="ltx_page_footer">
<div class="ltx_page_logo">Generated  on Sun Oct 19 14:35:45 2014 by <a href="">LaTeXML <img src="" alt="[LOGO]"></a>
brucemiller commented 9 years ago

What command line and options are you using to generate the html? I'm not even getting an tag for the svg case: the current latexml is generating an element (apparently that is (or was) needed to preserve any potential interactivity in the svg).

bernhard-kleine commented 9 years ago


Finally a small example:

\documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{book} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{rotating}% für gedrehte Tabelle etc. \usepackage{float} \usepackage{caption}


\begin{figure} \includegraphics{g/orexine} %pdf and svg versions \caption{Orexin precursor and its primary sequence} \end{figure}


Which runs nicely in pdflatex.

I hope this will help to localize the error.


F:\EigeneDateien\BuchprojektSpringer\XMLtestordner>latexml test3 --dest=test3.xml latexml (LaTeXML version v0.8.0) processing started Wed Nov 12 18:38:18 2014

(Digesting TeX test3... (Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/TeX.pool.ltxml... (Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/eTeX.pool.ltxml... 0.01 sec) (Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/pdfTeX.pool.ltxml... 0.02 sec) 0.52 sec) (Processing content F:/EigeneDateien/BuchprojektSpringer/XMLtestordner/test3.tex... (Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/LaTeX.pool.ltxml... 0.47 sec) (Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/book.cls.ltxml... 0.04 sec) (Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/inputenc.sty.ltxml... (Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/utf8.def.ltxml... 0.01 sec) 0.03 sec) (Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/rotating.sty.ltxml... (Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/graphicx.sty.ltxml... (Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/graphics.sty.ltxml... 0.01 sec) 0.09 sec) 0.12 sec) (Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/float.sty.ltxml... 0.01 sec) (Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/caption.sty.ltxml... 0.01 sec) 0.85 sec) 1.37 sec) (Building... (Loading compiled schema d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/resources/RelaxNG/LaTeXML.model... 0.04 sec). 0.13 sec) (Rewriting... 0.00 sec) (Finalizing... 0.00 sec) Conversion complete: No obvious problems. processing finished Wed Nov 12 18:38:20 2014

F:\EigeneDateien\BuchprojektSpringer\XMLtestordner>latexmlpost test3.xml --dest=test3.html --format=html5 latexmlpost (LaTeXML version v0.8.0) processing started Wed Nov 12 18:38:39 2014 (test3.html post-processing... (Scan test3.html processing... (CrossRef test3.html processing... (Graphics test3.html processing... (XSLT test3.html processing... (Writer test3.html processing... 0.05 sec) Postprocessing complete: No obvious problems processing finished Wed Nov 12 18:38:39 2014


Von: bruce miller [] Gesendet: Sonntag, 19. Oktober 2014 01:33 An: brucemiller/LaTeXML Cc: Bernhard Kleine Betreff: Re: [LaTeXML] Figure not showing (#544)

The filenames in the attributes on the graphics element in the XML are all missing the underscore, but I'm not seeing the underscores removed on my tests. Maybe there's some thing redefined or some broken package being included? (or some other typo?). A complete (but small) example that displays the problem (but works in latex or pdflatex) would be very helpful here. — Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Charset: utf-8

iQIcBAEBAgAGBQJUY5x7AAoJENCoWyDsDBkPTyYP/1Ig6ohdpwigh2tsXi06fTQ/ o9dl61dx+CkF4BntG337Fs6Y7KdY5EOX6qGpoqdWd9oDO2gNtA/VVaNQsdFWziFo s3r+gKLKaDl27NdJdQDjb4QcO8noOz1TexGybuyFgr56ea/c3vRHaopCvlIN+Mtr 7WNmce4Wl+wkVSefXC4VOjWGMjOUl26H1CPKvt1mVMvPypjHRKWtczJWElRnAkFk dz+zjeX8x7tbibpsqlQ8uhhiUzP6SzbDIZe0yhAAaE3bCb91eFtKGjS+d9dO/txx YiG4WK0HS658dP5gN8k2rYYnZXquSQLGv/ta2PNmIfQM3xDbP44AsiQB6lXXFRP/ V3b9pRrqYKnDHvqP3QYyDN5TRyZ1+D5FqndMjxQIpgbT/XZUJVwb1EouG9igJDND af0xccTQPmnZJYk1PvaJg2LcgezGpJ8S93ZPyZVr0UZGf4yqAjGs4kFjp1hrB+vL 6idPbeElf5XX77jccx8+bOMS47/r6OSFujIJwy/tJoXsYVW6yE+YFFFsfGqaCQBX muauHFv+8Zyo6f1ddZU1kbV8G2QdgKcHOrJhN3TtRN7Kj1VtU9gbEaLhUdvc+xDJ bn3xwCrA2wLZLsKUsgv3Xs2rE1iwTw4opDp2ixc4PrijRJ7ul4a24Q4s1Ulh7Qdv e+Qthae160g+vY8ZRZvz =K3JL -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

bernhard-kleine commented 9 years ago

Did you get the files via the list?

brucemiller commented 9 years ago

I saw the message, but haven't actually looked at the files; it looks like enough to try to reproduce and hopefully fix the problem. I'm working through a backlog, but should get to it pretty quick.

brucemiller commented 9 years ago

So, I got the files; I put the orexine images into a g subdirectory, and everything seems to work as expected. I'm puzzled. The only thing I can think of at the moment is there's some stray mangling of windows pathnames affecting the graphics post processing.

Could you post the result of

latexmlpost --verb --verb --dest=html/test3.html test3

maybe that gives a clue where it's looking?

bernhard-kleine commented 9 years ago

F:\EigeneDateien\BuchprojektSpringer\XMLtestordner>latexmlpost --verb --verb --dest=html/test3.html test3

latexmlpost (LaTeXML version v0.8.0) processing started Sun Nov 16 14:29:20 2014 (test3.html post-processing... (Scan test3.html processing... [DBStatus: 3/0 objects] (CrossRef test3.html processing... [Filled in 0 glossaryrefs] [Filled in 0 TOCs] [Filled in fragment 2 ids] [Filled in 0 refs] [Filled in 0 RDFa refs] [Filled in 0 bibrefs] (Graphics test3.html processing... [Using graphicspaths: F:/EigeneDateien/BuchprojektSpringer/XMLtestordner, F:\EigeneDateien\BuchprojektSpringer\XMLtestordner] [Processing F:/EigeneDateien/BuchprojektSpringer/XMLtestordner/g/orexine.svg as key=LaTeXML::Post::Graphics:g\orexine.svg] [Destination \EigeneDateien\BuchprojektSpringer\XMLtestordner\html\g\orexine.svg] (XSLT test3.html processing... (Writer test3.html processing... 0.17 sec) Postprocessing complete: No obvious problems processing finished Sun Nov 16 14:29:21 2014 F:\EigeneDateien\BuchprojektSpringer\XMLtestordner>

As you can see the src tag remains empty.

Kind regards Bernhard

brucemiller commented 9 years ago

Hmm, there is a clue: The Destination should be absolute; it seems to have been converted to the native windows \ form from /, but is missing the drive. And then the "Copied to" part is missing, so it would appear windows/perl is unhappy with that path. Probably some unixy assumption hidden in the pathname code. I'll have to dig for it.

brucemiller commented 9 years ago

I've made an attempt to at least get better error reporting, if not fix the problem. Please git pull and try that again and see if it helps (you might want to remove the html directory first)

bernhard-kleine commented 9 years ago

you missed the src tag in the figure

    <!--     ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?    -->
    <!--    ?latexml searchpaths="F:/EigeneDateien/Buchprojekt…    -->
    <!--    ?latexml class="book" options="12pt,a4paper"?    -->
    <!--    ?latexml package="inputenc" options="utf8"?    -->
    <!--    ?latexml package="rotating"?    -->
    <!--    ?latexml package="float"?    -->
    <!--    ?latexml package="caption"?    -->
    <!--    ?latexml RelaxNGSchema="LaTeXML"?    -->
            <document xml:id="Document" xmlns="">
                <resource type="text/css" src="LaTeXML.css">
                    <resource type="text/css" src="ltx-book.css">
                        <figure fragid="Ch0.F1" xml:id="Ch0.F1" refnum="0.1" frefnum="Figure 0.1">
                            <graphics fragid="Ch0.F1.g1" xml:id="Ch0.F1.g1" graphic="g/orexine" candidates="g\orexine.pdf,g\orexine.svg,g\orexine.pdf,g\orexine.svg">

                                 %pdf and svg versions 

                                    <tag close=" "></tag>

                                    Orexin precursor and its primary sequence

                                <tag close=": ">

                                    Figure 0.1


                                Orexin precursor and its primary sequence

brucemiller commented 9 years ago

I don't understand what you mean by "missed the src tag". Assuming the patch didn't fix the problem, I was wanting to see what the log said.

bernhard-kleine commented 9 years ago

totally uneventful: latexml:

F:\EigeneDateien\BuchprojektSpringer\XMLtestordner>latexml test3.tex --dest=test3.xml
latexml (LaTeXML version v0.8.0)
processing started Sun Nov 16 18:05:42 2014

(Digesting TeX test3...
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/TeX.pool.ltxml...
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/eTeX.pool.ltxml... 0.01 sec)
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/pdfTeX.pool.ltxml... 0.01 sec) 0.50 sec)
(Processing content F:/EigeneDateien/BuchprojektSpringer/XMLtestordner/test3.tex...
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/LaTeX.pool.ltxml... 0.36 sec)
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/book.cls.ltxml... 0.03 sec)
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/inputenc.sty.ltxml...
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/utf8.def.ltxml... 0.00 sec) 0.02 sec)
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/rotating.sty.ltxml...
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/graphicx.sty.ltxml...
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/graphics.sty.ltxml... 0.01 sec) 0.06 sec) 0.09 sec)
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/float.sty.ltxml... 0.00 sec)
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/caption.sty.ltxml... 0.01 sec) 0.64 sec) 1.15 sec)
(Loading compiled schema d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/resources/RelaxNG/LaTeXML.model... 0.03 sec). 0.09 sec)
(Rewriting... 0.00 sec)
(Finalizing... 0.00 sec)
Conversion complete: No obvious problems.
processing finished Sun Nov 16 18:05:44 2014

and latexmlpost:

F:\EigeneDateien\BuchprojektSpringer\XMLtestordner>latexmlpost --verb --verb  --dest=html/test3.htm test3.xml
latexmlpost (LaTeXML version v0.8.0)
processing started Sun Nov 16 18:10:06 2014
(test3.htm post-processing...
(Scan test3.htm processing... [DBStatus: 3/0 objects]
(CrossRef test3.htm processing... [Filled in 0 glossaryrefs] [Filled in 0 TOCs] [Filled in fragment 2 ids] [Filled in 0 refs] [Filled in 0 RDFa refs] [Filled in 0 bibrefs]
(Writer test3.htm processing... 0.01 sec)
Postprocessing complete: No obvious problems
processing finished Sun Nov 16 18:10:06 2014
bernhard-kleine commented 9 years ago

in the figure there is no longer the

<image src="" > 

filled or not.

brucemiller commented 9 years ago

Now I'm really confused. The graphics processor didn't seem to run at all, so less messages rather than more! Is that the same source file, still with \includegraphics{g/orexine}?

bernhard-kleine commented 9 years ago

Yes it is! i am still in the same folder and it did not edit the file. the pdf still works.

brucemiller commented 9 years ago

Is there still a graphics element in test3.xml? What does it look like? (somehow there ought to be error messages showing up, but aren't; You do have Image::Magick installed, right?)

bernhard-kleine commented 9 years ago

rotating forces graphicx loading.

Package: rotating 2009/03/28 v2.16a rotated objects in LaTeX

Package: graphicx 2014/04/25 v1.0g Enhanced LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR)

Package: keyval 2014/05/08 v1.15 key=value parser (DPC)
Package: graphics 2009/02/05 v1.0o Standard LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR)

Package: trig 1999/03/16 v1.09 sin cos tan (DPC)
File: graphics.cfg 2010/04/23 v1.9 graphics configuration of TeX Live
Package graphics Info: Driver file: pdftex.def on input line 91.

File: pdftex.def 2011/05/27 v0.06d Graphics/color for pdfTeX

Package: infwarerr 2010/04/08 v1.3 Providing info/warning/error messages (HO)
Package: ltxcmds 2011/11/09 v1.22 LaTeX kernel commands for general use (HO)
brucemiller commented 9 years ago

Right: I was asking if the <graphics ...> element was still being generated in the test3.xml file, and if so, what does it look like --- what are the attributes.

bernhard-kleine commented 9 years ago
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?latexml searchpaths="F:/EigeneDateien/BuchprojektSpringer/XMLtestordner"?>
<?latexml class="book" options="12pt,a4paper"?>
<?latexml package="inputenc" options="utf8"?>
<?latexml package="rotating"?>
<?latexml package="float"?>
<?latexml package="caption"?>
<?latexml package="graphicx"?>
<?latexml RelaxNGSchema="LaTeXML"?>
<document xmlns="">
  <resource src="LaTeXML.css" type="text/css"/>
  <resource src="ltx-book.css" type="text/css"/>
  <figure frefnum="Figure 0.1" refnum="0.1" xml:id="Ch0.F1">
    <graphics candidates="g\orexine.pdf,g\orexine.svg,g\orexine.pdf,g\orexine.svg" graphic="g/orexine" xml:id="Ch0.F1.g1"/>
    <!-- %pdf and svg versions -->
    <toccaption><tag close=" ">0.1</tag>Orexin precursor and its primary sequence</toccaption>
    <caption><tag close=": ">Figure 0.1</tag>Orexin precursor and its primary sequence</caption>
brucemiller commented 9 years ago

Please try this: remove the html directory and rerun the latexmlpost command, as you had above, with the destination to --html, and the two --verb's.... There's gotta be a clue in there somewhere!

bernhard-kleine commented 9 years ago
F:\EigeneDateien\BuchprojektSpringer\XMLtestordner>rmdir /S html
Möchten Sie "html" löschen (J/N)? j

F:\EigeneDateien\BuchprojektSpringer\XMLtestordner>latexmlpost --verb --verb  --dest=html/test3.htm test3.xml
latexmlpost (LaTeXML version v0.8.0)
processing started Sun Nov 16 20:09:51 2014
(test3.htm post-processing...
(Scan test3.htm processing... [DBStatus: 3/0 objects]
(CrossRef test3.htm processing... [Filled in 0 glossaryrefs] [Filled in 0 TOCs] [Filled in fragment 2 ids] [Filled in 0 refs] [Filled in 0 RDFa refs] [Filled in 0 bibrefs
(Writer test3.htm processing... 0.01 sec)
Postprocessing complete: No obvious problems
processing finished Sun Nov 16 20:09:51 2014

and the html:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?latexml searchpaths="F:/EigeneDateien/BuchprojektSpringer/XMLtestordner"?>
<?latexml class="book" options="12pt,a4paper"?>
<?latexml package="inputenc" options="utf8"?>
<?latexml package="rotating"?>
<?latexml package="float"?>
<?latexml package="caption"?>
<?latexml package="graphicx"?>
<?latexml RelaxNGSchema="LaTeXML"?>
<document xmlns="" xml:id="Document">
  <resource src="LaTeXML.css" type="text/css"/>
  <resource src="ltx-book.css" type="text/css"/>
  <figure frefnum="Figure 0.1" refnum="0.1" xml:id="Ch0.F1" fragid="Ch0.F1">
    <graphics candidates="g\orexine.pdf,g\orexine.svg,g\orexine.pdf,g\orexine.svg" graphic="g/orexine" xml:id="Ch0.F1.g1" fragid="Ch0.F1.g1"/>
    <!-- %pdf and svg versions -->
    <toccaption><tag close=" ">0.1</tag>Orexin precursor and its primary sequence</toccaption>
    <caption><tag close=": ">Figure 0.1</tag>Orexin precursor and its primary sequence</caption>
dginev commented 9 years ago

I think I am seeing the cause - it is so silly that it is sneaky.

As a rule of thumb, always add --format=html5 to make sure post-processing is producing the right format for you. My guess is that because you are using a non-standard (for LaTeXML) file extension - .htm , it fails to deduce the format and to use the correct post-processors that you would expect for an HTML5 document.

Hope this helps!

dginev commented 9 years ago

@brucemiller we may add .htm to the format guessing game, seeing that people are using it. Probably having the exact same behaviour as .html is a reasonable default.

bernhard-kleine commented 9 years ago

the output:

F:\EigeneDateien\BuchprojektSpringer\XMLtestordner>rmdir /S html
Möchten Sie "html" löschen (J/N)?
Möchten Sie "html" löschen (J/N)? j

F:\EigeneDateien\BuchprojektSpringer\XMLtestordner>latexmlpost --verb --verb --format=html --dest=html/test3.htm test3.xml
latexmlpost (LaTeXML version v0.8.0)
processing started Sun Nov 16 20:33:08 2014
(test3.htm post-processing...
(Scan test3.htm processing... [DBStatus: 3/0 objects]
(CrossRef test3.htm processing... [Filled in 0 glossaryrefs] [Filled in 0 TOCs] [Filled in fragment 2 ids] [Filled in 0 refs] [Filled in 0 RDFa refs] [Filled in 0 bibrefs]
(Graphics test3.htm processing... [Using graphicspaths: F:/EigeneDateien/BuchprojektSpringer/XMLtestordner, F:\EigeneDateien\BuchprojektSpringer\XMLtestordner]
[Processing F:/EigeneDateien/BuchprojektSpringer/XMLtestordner/g/orexine.svg as key=LaTeXML::Post::Graphics:g\orexine.svg] [Destination \EigeneDateien\BuchprojektSpringer\XMLtestor
(XSLT test3.htm processing...
(Writer test3.htm processing... 0.12 sec)
Postprocessing complete: No obvious problems
processing finished Sun Nov 16 20:33:09 2014

a file \EigeneDateien\BuchprojektSpringer\XMLtestordner\html\g\orexine.svg was not created! maybe missing the F:

the graphic is still not there:

<!DOCTYPE html><html>
<!--Generated on Sun Nov 16 20:33:09 2014 by LaTeXML (version v0.8.0)>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="LaTeXML.css" type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="ltx-book.css" type="text/css">
<div class="ltx_page_main">
<div class="ltx_page_content">
<section class="ltx_document">
<figure id="Ch0.F1" class="ltx_figure"><img src="" id="Ch0.F1.g1" class="ltx_graphics" alt="">
<figcaption class="ltx_caption"><span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_figure">Figure 0.1: </span>Orexin precursor and its primary sequence</figcaption>
<footer class="ltx_page_footer">
<div class="ltx_page_logo">Generated  on Sun Nov 16 20:33:09 2014 by <a href="">LaTeXML <img src="" alt="[LOGO]"></a>
dginev commented 9 years ago

Now the SVG image is being processed, and it seems that processing fails silently. Back to @brucemiller on that front, I am still too young of an apprentice when it comes to image post-processing.

dginev commented 9 years ago

But this doesn't look like a valid Windows path:

[Destination \EigeneDateien\BuchprojektSpringer\XMLtestor
brucemiller commented 9 years ago

Yeah; that's where I started looking; I think I got fooled & sidetracked by the "htm" thing which seemingly skipped graphics completely (good catch). So now I'm back to square 1 (or was it 2? :> )

dginev commented 9 years ago

I am not on my Windows laptop at the moment, will check tomorrow if I am right, but I think you should also use $vol when you are invoking File::Spec->splitpath (most importantly here).

You probably want something akin to:

$data{destinationDirectory} = "$vol$dir" || '.';

This is likely the underlying cause behind the malformed path for the image.

dginev commented 9 years ago

Just tested under Windows and I can confirm the observation. $vol$dir is the absolute path to the directory, while the original full path is "$vol$dir$name", where the delimiters are all kept in the $dir variable, i.e. the volume and name have no slashes or backslashes. So that solves the problem of the missing F:.

bernhard-kleine commented 9 years ago

This simple example does not show the picture.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<img src="F:/EigeneDateien/BuchprojektSpringer/XMLtestordner/bkchem/mevalonate.svg"></img>


However when I opened the very same image in firefox, it opens and shows in the Fire... inspector. Is another tag necessary?

<svg id="svg2" xmlns:cdml="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:cc="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns="" xmlns:sodipodi="" xmlns:inkscape="" height="45.867725" version="1.0" viewBox="0 0 204.08302 61.194033" width="152.92754" inkscape:version="0.48.4 r9939" sodipodi:docname="mevalonate.svg">
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            <cdml:bond id="bond62351" bond_width="6.0" center="yes" double_ratio="0.75" end="atom70270" line_width="1.0" start="atom66152" type="n2"></cdml:bond>
            <cdml:bond id="bond28339" double_ratio="0.75" end="atom8750" line_width="1.0" start="atom48347" type="n1"></cdml:bond>
            <cdml:bond id="bond85410" double_ratio="0.75" end="atom27772" line_width="1.0" start="atom66152" type="n1"></cdml:bond>
            <cdml:bond id="bond47805" double_ratio="0.75" end="atom83148" line_width="1.0" start="atom27772" type="n1"></cdml:bond>
            <cdml:bond id="bond66316" double_ratio="0.75" end="atom48347" line_width="1.0" start="atom83148" type="n1"></cdml:bond>
            <cdml:bond id="bond77121" double_ratio="0.75" end="atom66152" line_width="1.0" start="atom68781" type="n1"></cdml:bond>
            <cdml:bond id="bond39123" double_ratio="0.75" end="atom34615" line_width="1.0" start="atom83148" type="n1"></cdml:bond>
            <cdml:bond id="bond49236" double_ratio="0.75" end="atom38067" line_width="1.0" start="atom83148" type="n1"></cdml:bond>
            <cdml:bond id="bond15048" double_ratio="0.75" end="atom48741" line_width="1.0" start="atom8750" type="n1"></cdml:bond>

bernhard-kleine commented 9 years ago

its a problem of firefox that the picture are not shown. In Chrome they are visible! Sorry for the noise. That means you have still to fill the src tag by latexmlpost

brucemiller commented 9 years ago

What was puzzling about the error messages is that it basically says it's working on that image, but then it should either say that it copied the image, or that there was an error; and we get neither of the latter! I've put in what should have been a redundant error message if it failed to get the image size, in case that's where the problem lie.

But also, deyan is correct about the drive; the puzzle there is why I was using splitpath instead of pathname_split, which was exactly designed to handle this correctly!

So, anyway, I've just checked in a couple of changes that either will fix the problem, or at least give a little better diagnostic. Please try again! :>

bernhard-kleine commented 9 years ago
F:\EigeneDateien\BuchprojektSpringer\XMLtestordner>latexml test3.tex --dest=test3.xml
latexml (LaTeXML version v0.8.0)
processing started Tue Nov 18 13:44:22 2014

(Digesting TeX test3...
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/TeX.pool.ltxml...
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/eTeX.pool.ltxml... 0.01 sec)
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/pdfTeX.pool.ltxml... 0.01 sec) 0.40 sec)
(Processing content F:/EigeneDateien/BuchprojektSpringer/XMLtestordner/test3.tex...
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/LaTeX.pool.ltxml... 0.41 sec)
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/book.cls.ltxml... 0.03 sec)
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/inputenc.sty.ltxml...
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/utf8.def.ltxml... 0.01 sec) 0.02 sec)
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/rotating.sty.ltxml...
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/graphicx.sty.ltxml...
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/graphics.sty.ltxml... 0.01 sec) 0.06 sec) 0.09 sec)
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/float.sty.ltxml... 0.01 sec)
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/Package/caption.sty.ltxml... 0.01 sec) 0.72 sec) 1.13 sec)
(Loading compiled schema d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib/LaTeXML/resources/RelaxNG/LaTeXML.model... 0.03 sec). 0.10 sec)
(Rewriting... 0.00 sec)
(Finalizing... 0.00 sec)
Conversion complete: No obvious problems.
processing finished Tue Nov 18 13:44:23 2014

F:\EigeneDateien\BuchprojektSpringer\XMLtestordner>latexmlpost test3.xml --form=html5 --dest=test3.htm
latexmlpost (LaTeXML version v0.8.0)
processing started Tue Nov 18 13:44:35 2014
(test3.htm post-processing...
(Scan test3.htm processing...
(CrossRef test3.htm processing...
(Graphics test3.htm processing...
Warning:expected:image Couldn't get usable image for F:/EigeneDateien/BuchprojektSpringer/XMLtestordner/g/orexine.svg
        Postprocessing LaTeXML::Post::Graphics test3.htm

(XSLT test3.htm processing...
(Writer test3.htm processing... 0.04 sec)
Postprocessing complete: 1 warning
processing finished Tue Nov 18 13:44:35 2014


<!DOCTYPE html><html>
<!--Generated on Tue Nov 18 13:44:35 2014 by LaTeXML (version v0.8.0)>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="LaTeXML.css" type="text/css">
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<div class="ltx_page_main">
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<section class="ltx_document">
<figure id="Ch0.F1" class="ltx_figure"><img src="" id="Ch0.F1.g1" class="ltx_graphics" alt="">
<figcaption class="ltx_caption"><span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_figure">Figure 0.1: </span>Orexin precursor and its primary sequence</figcaption>
<footer class="ltx_page_footer">
<div class="ltx_page_logo">Generated  on Tue Nov 18 13:44:35 2014 by <a href="">LaTeXML <img src="" alt="[LOGO]"></a>
brucemiller commented 9 years ago

Where it says "couldn't get usable image", is that the correct path to the image file (except for slashes instead of backslashes)? Is the file readable, or does it have some restricted permission?

Supposedly the slash/backslash difference shouldn't matter, at least for perl itself, but maybe one of the libraries (Image::Size or Image::Magick) is being confused?

bernhard-kleine commented 9 years ago

the file is always there and readable, no restriction at all.

F:\EigeneDateien\BuchprojektSpringer\XMLtestordner\g>stat orexine.svg
  File: "orexine.svg"
  Size: 129276          Blocks: 256        IO Block: 4096   reguläre Datei
Device: 4d47ed22h/1296559394d   Inode: 1407374883759718  Links: 1
Access: (0666/-rw-rw-rw-)  Uid: (    0/      bk)   Gid: (    0/ UNKNOWN)
Access: 2014-11-12 18:28:52.347656200 +0100
Modify: 2014-10-19 13:00:48.263671800 +0200
Change: 2014-11-12 18:28:52.347656200 +0100

I donot know about libraries. what is to check?

brucemiller commented 9 years ago

I'm guessing it's a pathname portability issue; I've made some preliminary fixes to pathname processing (will probably have to be even more careful). Let's see if this helps first.

Please do a git pull and then rerun: remove the html directory for good measure an then rerun using two --verb on latexmlpost, so we get a clearer indication of the paths being used.

bernhard-kleine commented 9 years ago

No success ;-)

F:\EigeneDateien\BuchprojektSpringer\XMLtestordner>latexml --verb --verb --dest=test3.xml test3.tex
latexml (LaTeXML version v0.8.0)
processing started Wed Nov 19 14:14:01 2014

(Digesting TeX test3...
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib\LaTeXML/Package/TeX.pool.ltxml...
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib\LaTeXML/Package/eTeX.pool.ltxml... 0.01 sec)
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib\LaTeXML/Package/pdfTeX.pool.ltxml... 0.01 sec) 0.41 sec)
(Processing content F:/EigeneDateien/BuchprojektSpringer/XMLtestordner/test3.tex...
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib\LaTeXML/Package/LaTeX.pool.ltxml... 0.44 sec)
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib\LaTeXML/Package/book.cls.ltxml... 0.04 sec)
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib\LaTeXML/Package/inputenc.sty.ltxml...
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib\LaTeXML/Package/utf8.def.ltxml... 0.00 sec) 0.02 sec)
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib\LaTeXML/Package/rotating.sty.ltxml...
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib\LaTeXML/Package/graphicx.sty.ltxml...
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib\LaTeXML/Package/graphics.sty.ltxml... 0.01 sec) 0.06 sec) 0.08 sec)
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib\LaTeXML/Package/float.sty.ltxml... 0.00 sec)
(Loading d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib\LaTeXML/Package/caption.sty.ltxml... 0.01 sec) 0.73 sec) 1.14 sec)
(Loading compiled schema d:/latexml/latexml-master/lib\LaTeXML/resources/RelaxNG/LaTeXML.model... 0.03 sec). 0.09 sec)
(Rewriting... 0.00 sec)
(Finalizing... 0.00 sec)
Conversion complete: No obvious problems.
processing finished Wed Nov 19 14:14:03 2014

F:\EigeneDateien\BuchprojektSpringer\XMLtestordner>rmdir /S html
Möchten Sie "html" löschen (J/N)? j

F:\EigeneDateien\BuchprojektSpringer\XMLtestordner>latexmlpost --verb --verb --form=html5 --dest=html/test3.html test3.xml
latexmlpost (LaTeXML version v0.8.0)
processing started Wed Nov 19 14:16:26 2014
(test3.html post-processing...
(Scan test3.html processing... [DBStatus: 3/0 objects]
(CrossRef test3.html processing... [Filled in 0 glossaryrefs] [Filled in 0 TOCs] [Filled in fragment 2 ids] [Filled in 0 refs] [Filled in 0 RDFa refs] [Filled in 0 bibrefs]
(Graphics test3.html processing... [Using graphicspaths: F:/EigeneDateien/BuchprojektSpringer/XMLtestordner/, F:\EigeneDateien\BuchprojektSpringer\XMLtestordner]
[Processing F:/EigeneDateien/BuchprojektSpringer/XMLtestordner/g/orexine.svg as key=LaTeXML::Post::Graphics:gorexine.svg] [Destination F:\EigeneDateien\BuchprojektSpringer\XMLtesto
Warning:expected:image Couldn't get usable image for F:/EigeneDateien/BuchprojektSpringer/XMLtestordner/g/orexine.svg
        Postprocessing LaTeXML::Post::Graphics test3.html

(XSLT test3.html processing...
(Writer test3.html processing... 0.37 sec)
Postprocessing complete: 1 warning
processing finished Wed Nov 19 14:16:27 2014

F:\EigeneDateien\BuchprojektSpringer\XMLtestordner>dir html
 Datenträger in Laufwerk F: ist Datenlaufwerk_BK
 Volumeseriennummer: 4D47-ED22

 Verzeichnis von F:\EigeneDateien\BuchprojektSpringer\XMLtestordner\html

19.11.2014  14:16    <DIR>          .
19.11.2014  14:16    <DIR>          ..
19.11.2014  14:16            24.576 LaTeXML.cache
02.04.2014  00:13            10.847 LaTeXML.css
31.10.2013  00:04             2.347 ltx-book.css
19.11.2014  14:16             1.834 test3.html
               4 Datei(en),         39.604 Bytes
               2 Verzeichnis(se), 162.757.529.600 Bytes frei
<!DOCTYPE html><html>
<!--Generated on Wed Nov 19 14:16:27 2014 by LaTeXML (version v0.8.0)>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="LaTeXML.css" type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="ltx-book.css" type="text/css">
<div class="ltx_page_main">
<div class="ltx_page_content">
<section class="ltx_document">
<figure id="Ch0.F1" class="ltx_figure"><img src="" id="Ch0.F1.g1" class="ltx_graphics" alt="">
<figcaption class="ltx_caption"><span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_figure">Figure 0.1: </span>Orexin precursor and its primary sequence</figcaption>
<footer class="ltx_page_footer">
<div class="ltx_page_logo">Generated  on Wed Nov 19 14:16:27 2014 by <a href="">LaTeXML <img src="" alt="[LOGO]"></a>
brucemiller commented 9 years ago

Hmm.. it still didn't seem to put the source path into "proper" form with backslashes...

dginev commented 9 years ago

A modern Windows installation should be capable of coping with:


as a path. While we investigate what is wrong with the slashes (will tinker tonight), are we sure this file exists and is indeed a usable image?

bernhard-kleine commented 9 years ago

It works in pdflatex. I have shown already that the file exists.


Am 19. November 2014 23:55:58 MEZ, schrieb Deyan Ginev

A modern Windows installation should be capable of coping with:


as a path. While we investigate what is wrong with the slashes (will tinker tonight), are we sure this file exists and is indeed a usable image?

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dginev commented 9 years ago

Thanks for that, and thanks for all the patience you have had with debugging this so far, I appreciate that you are taking from your time to help us make LaTeXML better!

However, a perl on Windows 8 can indeed use this path, just checked:

> perl -e "print ((-e 'F:/EigeneDateien/BuchprojektSpringer/XMLtestordner/g/orexine.svg') ? 'found' : 'not found'); "


I will now try a sample document that includes this SVG file and see what LaTeXML makes of it.

dginev commented 9 years ago

Yes, the path is perfectly usable (and used). The problem on my machine is that I don't have any of the ImageMagick packages, so this test fails:

I recall from one of the emails Bernhard sent me that he also didn't have ImageMagick installed on his machine. So from here on we are stuck until we find a way to install a Windows Image::Magick for perl, I believe.

dginev commented 9 years ago

My recommendation would be to look for a solution briefly and then close as wontfix. Sorry about the anticlimactic conclusion.

@brucemiller : a more detailed error message explaining why the processing fails would be quite handy I think. Then we can diagnose quicker someone is missing packages.

bernhard-kleine commented 9 years ago

imagemagick is installed here: 6.8.7-6 Q16 x64 2013-11-28. and the command cpan works:


cpan shell -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v2.05)
Enter 'h' for help.

cpan> h

Display Information                                                  (ver 2.05)
 command  argument          description
 a,b,d,m  WORD or /REGEXP/  about authors, bundles, distributions, modules
 i        WORD or /REGEXP/  about any of the above
 ls       AUTHOR or GLOB    about files in the author's directory
    (with WORD being a module, bundle or author name or a distribution
    name of the form AUTHOR/DISTRIBUTION)

Download, Test, Make, Install...
 get      download                     clean    make clean
 make     make (implies get)           look     open subshell in dist directory
 test     make test (implies make)     readme   display these README files
 install  make install (implies test)  perldoc  display POD documentation

 r        WORDs or /REGEXP/ or NONE    report updates for some/matching/all modules
 upgrade  WORDs or /REGEXP/ or NONE    upgrade some/matching/all modules

I never thought that I may need a module in perl to install. Do I have?

bernhard-kleine commented 9 years ago

How do I test that the module Image::Magick is working?

dginev commented 9 years ago

Image::Magick simply won't install cleanly as it has a failing test and for some reason the patch for that test just doesn't make it into Strawberry Perl. It's a messy situation and I tried to solve it a few times before, but finding the maintainers is very difficult.

You can try installing Image::Size first: cpan -i Image::Size and if you really want to install Image::Magick, you can force that via: cpan -T -i Image::Magick

I did that and can confirm the conversion succeeds with copying the image over. So we can probably close the issue here as "wontfix" for Image::Magick. We are aware of the problem, but don't have a clean solution yet.

bernhard-kleine commented 9 years ago

I finally have access to my Linux again, and installed latexml from Ubuntu with is only vers 0.7. I happened to notice that imagemagick was installed, so with the latest updates of Ubuntu 12.04, I tried to install the module Image::Magick via cpan, but did not succeed. What do you suggest?

dginev commented 9 years ago

On Ubuntu getting Image::Magick is quite well-understood (and described in the installation manual ).

The relevant part is:

sudo apt-get install imagemagick  perlmagick 
bernhard-kleine commented 9 years ago

I have Image::Magick working in Ubuntu and still the image is not incorporated. Unfortunately I will be away 24 hrs, but will provide the test then.
