brucemiller / LaTeXML

LaTeXML: a TeX and LaTeX to XML/HTML/ePub/MathML translator.
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Perl died - unknown error #562

Closed bernhard-kleine closed 9 years ago

bernhard-kleine commented 9 years ago

This file throws an perl error without latexml error:

Fatal:perl:die Perl died
    at /media/Datenlaufwerk_BK/EigeneDateien/BuchprojektSpringer/XMLtestordner/testside.tex; line 30 col 20
    Can't call method "getSize" on an undefined value at /home/bk/perl5/lib/perl5/LaTeXML/Core/ line 202, <$IN> line 30.
    In Alignment[] at /media/Datenlaufwerk_BK/EigeneDateien/BuchprojektSpringer/XMLtestordner/testside.tex; line 29 col 16
     <= \tabularcell@hbox{\par␍{HSD}\\␍\tabul... <= \begin{tabular*}{433.62pt}[]{m{0.5cm}... <= \@@toccaption{{\@tag[][ ]{0.1}human 1... <= ...
1 fatal error at /home/bk/perl5/lib/perl5/LaTeXML/Common/ line 67, <$IN> line 30.
\usepackage{rotating}% für gedrehte Tabelle etc.
\DeclareRobustCommand{\PBS}[1]{\let\temp=\\#1\let\\=\temp}% Preservebackslash in table heads
\caption[human 17beta-hydroxy-steroid dehydrogenases]{Human 17$\beta$"~hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases. source: {MA06,PLS99,LKB+07}, PubMed/OMIM, sapiens}\label{tab:seventeenbetaHSD}
      m{0.5cm}%HSD type
      m{1.2cm}%gene name
      >{\raggedright\PBS}m{2.7cm}%other names
    } %

    {HSD \newline type} & Gene name & Other names & comments %
    1 & HSD17B1 &E17KSR, EDH17B1, EDHB17, EDH17B2&17beta"~HSD%& 0108786 
    2 &HSD17B2 &E2DH, HSD17 &17beta"~HSD, 20alpha"~HSD 

I have no idea how to change that.

brucemiller commented 9 years ago

Simple bug: parsing a Dimension as an arg to a macro, but then passing it on as Tokens to the next primitive! Fixed; thanks!