brummer10 / guitarix.vst

guitarix vst3 wrapper for linux
62 stars 1 forks source link
guitarix juce-framework neural-amp-modeler vst3


This is a VST3 wrapper for Guitarix


for Linux. Guitarix is implemented as git submodule.

Initial development for this VST3 port was done by Maxim Alexanian

for Mac/PC see here

For Linux here is LV2 plug dynamic loading and preset loading from guitarix main application implemented. Host could save a state as usual in the VST preset format.

Latest x86-64 Linux Binary build



On debian based systems the following packages been needed:

optional, when not use the included juce modules

On other distributions the package names may be different, but similar.


to build using the included juce modules just run

to build against system wide installed juce-modules-source-data just run. On debian based systems this require some additional link flags which will be set by this MACRO. Otherwise you could use the JUCE_DIR MACRO

to build against a local JUCE copy, run

to use a local copy of the vst3sdk use

install will copy the VST3 bundle to $(HOME)/.vst3

Don't use 'sudo' to install!!

to overwrite the install destination, use JUCE_VST3DESTDIR=/where/ever/you/want/it

that's all. Check your host for new plugs after install.