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find a better name for build target: "web" #14

Closed nikgraf closed 12 years ago

nikgraf commented 13 years ago

can we remove web or if desktop and mobile apps should be in build use "desktop" and "mobile"?

tosh commented 13 years ago

the wording 'web' is misleading I agree.

on twitter sstephenson recently asked for a better wording than 'desktop' apps. and I replied.!/__tosh/status/32127458220187649

I think the problem is that usually we all say 'desktop web apps' to differentiate from mobile apps. but this is misleading since they are also optimized for laptops too.

so my take on it was that basically it would make more sense to differentiate on the input method like touch vs mouse/click - based apps. because I think touch based interfaces also might work great on laptops (and maybe even desktops) sometime in the future when the trackpad size increases further (imagine a 1:1 representation from trackpad to screen).

so to sum it all up the current wording 'web' is not appropriate since it is way to generic. desktop would be a better fit but also not really great.

"There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things”

AdrienGiboire commented 12 years ago

I was searching for a way to name the target as the developer would to. Is there already a way to do it?

As an example, currently, the main target is web. But using PhoneGap, I would prefer to have www.

paulmillr commented 12 years ago

0.9 deprecates current build targets as they were not supported properly anyway. 0.10 may implement new system.