brunch / brunch

:fork_and_knife: Web applications made easy. Since 2011.
MIT License
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brunch build-automation javascript pipeline workflow

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Web applications made easy. Since 2011.

Fast front-end web app build tool with simple declarative config and seamless incremental compilation for rapid development.


Install Brunch with a simple node.js package manager command:

npm install -g brunch
  1. Create a new Brunch project: brunch new [--skeleton url]
    • skeleton specifies a skeleton from which your application will be initialized. The default skeleton (dead-simple) doesn't have any opinions about frameworks or libraries.
    • contains over 50 boilerplate projects, which you can use to init your app from.
  2. Develop with Brunch: brunch watch --server
    • tells Brunch to watch your project and incrementally rebuild it when source files are changed. The optional server flag launches a simple web server with push state support.
  3. Deploy with Brunch: brunch build --production
    • builds a project for distribution. By default it enables minification.



See the document for more info on how to file issues or get your head into the Brunch's internals.


MIT license (c) 2021 Paul Miller, Elan Shanker, Nik Graf, Thomas Schranz, Allan Berger, Jan Monschke, Martin Schürrer

See LICENSE file.