brunch / brunch

:fork_and_knife: Web applications made easy. Since 2011.
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Directory structure handled incorrectly in new project. #1890

Open seanmorris opened 1 year ago

seanmorris commented 1 year ago


The assets directory is not being handled correctly in a new project.

Expected behavior

The index.html file should be built to the public/ directory.

Actual behavior

The index.html file is built to the public/assets/ directory.


  1. Brunch Version: 4.0.1
  2. Node.js Version: 19.2.0
  3. NPM Version: 8.19.3
  4. Operating system: Debian GNU/Linux 11 Kernel 5.10.0-19-amd64

package.json contents

  "name": "brunch-app",
  "description": " application",
  "private": true,
  "author": "Brunch",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "repository": "",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "brunch watch --server",
    "build": "brunch build --production"
  "dependencies": {},
  "devDependencies": {
    "auto-reload-brunch": "^2",
    "brunch": "^4",
    "clean-css-brunch": "^3",
    "terser-brunch": "^4"

brunch config contents


seanmorris commented 1 year ago

Working Lockfile: Broken Lockfile:

seanmorris commented 1 year ago

It seems to be a bug with the new way strings are handled in anymatch 3.1.3. On line 50 of index.js, false is now provided as the second parameter to normalizePath().

Adding the following values to the root level package.json corrects the issue:

Note that npm install must be run explicitly if node_modules does not exists yet.

  "overrides": {
    "brunch": {"anymatch": "3.1.2"},
    ".": {"anymatch": "3.1.2"}
seanmorris commented 1 year ago

I've found the issue, submitted a patch, and alerted the maintainers of the dependency to watch their semver.

psagers commented 1 year ago

It's worth noting here that a workaround was committed in a20d6a2997da1a192bed80f6d1f3fc2815196692 and released in 4.0.2 (Jan 10).