brunch / stylus-brunch

Adds Stylus support to Brunch
MIT License
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Does not recompile `require`d files #52

Open calebeby opened 7 years ago

calebeby commented 7 years ago

Hi, when I run brunch watch, and change a file that is not index.styl, it does not update.


run brunch watch

modify index.styl

It says info: compiled index.styl into main.css in 378 ms, and browsersync injects the new styles. Good :white_check_mark:

modify components/idea-card/_index.styl, which is required by index.styl

I get info: compiled in 78 ms, but none of the changes are actually built

I have to restart brunch watch to get the changes. Not good :x:

shvaikalesh commented 7 years ago

Hey @calebeby, thanks for reaching out.

Please make sure you are using the latest version of Brunch and stylus-brunch. The latest version of Brunch (atleast) compiles dependency parents even if modified file matches ignored convention. Even if globs imports are used.

calebeby commented 7 years ago

OK. I'll check the versions this weekend, but I don't use brunch anymore.

shvaikalesh commented 7 years ago

That is sad to hear. If you have any feedback/suggestion regarding Brunch, we would ❤️ to communicate.

calebeby commented 7 years ago

I was kind of frustrated by the number of brunch plugins for Jade, and I spent a lot of time trying to figure out which one I wanted. I ended up building my own build tool (

calebeby commented 7 years ago

It has support for more templating engines through jstransformers.

However, it is pre-alpha, and lacking documentation.

shvaikalesh commented 7 years ago

Yep, we had an issue with static compilers before v2.8, but now we have official

calebeby commented 7 years ago

Come to think of it, I might add a jstransformers input plugin for brunch.

calebeby commented 7 years ago

I wanted to compile Jade files to HTML files and so I tried jaded brunch but it didn't work.

Why does Jade brunch say to use jaded brunch for flat files?

shvaikalesh commented 7 years ago

Fixed in, thanks! jstransformers plugin sounds nice 👍

calebeby commented 7 years ago

Brunch is ^2.9.1

Stylus-brunch is ^2.8.0

calebeby commented 7 years ago

I checked, and this behavior still exists.

shvaikalesh commented 7 years ago

Hmm, does it exists w/o browser-sync-brunch (with manual page refresh)?

calebeby commented 7 years ago

Yes, the issue persists.

calebeby commented 7 years ago