brunch / stylus-brunch

Adds Stylus support to Brunch
MIT License
21 stars 2 forks source link


Adds Stylus support to Brunch.

The plugin includes nib cross-browser mixins.


Install the plugin via npm with npm install --save-dev stylus-brunch.


You don't need to specify any options by default.

Use Plugin Middleware

You can include Stylus plugins with a config directive config.plugins.stylus.plugins (array) with paths to require the needed plugins. You will have to include your plugin dependencies in package.json.

module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: {
    stylus: {
      plugins: ['my-stylus-plugin']

If the plugin is module based you can import a specific member as a subarray.

moduls.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: {
    stylus: {
      plugins: ['my-stylus-plugin', ['my-module-plugin', 'member']]

Alternatively, you can pass a function.

moduls.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: {
    stylus: {
      plugins: [require('autoprefixer-stylus')({browsers: ['last 3 versions']})]


You can import your modules or Stylus sheets with a config directive config.plugins.stylus.imports (array) with paths to your modules.

moduls.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: {
    stylus: {
      imports: ['']

Allow stylus files to include plain-css partials:

moduls.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: {
    stylus: {
      includeCss: true


Enable line number comments or FireStylus for Firebug debug messages (both are off by default)

moduls.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: {
    stylus: {
      linenos: true,
      firebug: true

CSS Modules

Starting Brunch <unreleased>, you can use CSS Modules with stylus-brunch. To enable it, change your config to:

module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: {
    stylus: {
      modules: true

Then, author your styles like you normally would:

  font-size: 32px

And reference CSS class names by requiring the specific style into your javascript:

var style = require('./title.styl');

<h1 className={style.title}>Yo</h1>

Note: enabling cssModules does so for every stylesheet in your project, so it's all-or-nothing. Even the files you don't require will be transformed into CSS modules (aka will have obfuscated class names, like turn .title into ._title_fdphn_1).


The MIT License (MIT)