brunch / stylus-brunch

Adds Stylus support to Brunch
MIT License
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Occasional Blank compilation result #6

Closed chrismcv closed 12 years ago

chrismcv commented 12 years ago

We've found that occassionally the compiler can yield a blank output in the CSS/Templates on a build.

06 Jun 16:42:20 - info: compiled in 106ms
06 Jun 16:42:40 - info: compiled in 270ms
06 Jun 16:42:49 - info: compiled in 103ms

I have multiple .styl files in different folders and after the :49 build as shown above, the .styl file i modified isn't in my app.css at all. (I have also found the same thing with jade/eco templates)

Has anyone else encountered this?

paulmillr commented 12 years ago

yes. Actually this happens to me in all compilers sometimes. Trying to find the reason

paulmillr commented 12 years ago

seem to be fixed