brunelli / aurupbot

A script to automatically maintain your VCS-based AUR packages for you.
GNU General Public License v2.0
7 stars 1 forks source link
arch-linux archlinux aur pacman

AUR Update Bot

This script automatically updates packages that make use of the pkgver() function in its PKGBUILD.

This is very useful when maintaining VCS-based packages that feature extremely frequent changes that typically don't require manual intervention.

How to use

Usage: aurupbot [ OPTIONS ] [ PKGNAMES ]

  -d or --dir <path>    Save files in <path> instead of /tmp.
  --disable-push        Doesn't attempt to push the updated files to AUR. 
  --email <email>       Send reports to <email>.
  --ignore <pkg(s)>     Ignore <pkg>. Use commas to pass various pkg.
  --nocolor             Disable coloring.
  -n or --notify        Use libnotify to send desktop notifications. 
  --reuse-dirs          Don't overwrite existing directories.
  -u or --user <user>   Check updates for all packages maintained by <user>.
  --config <file>       Source <file> for configuration.
  -h or --help          Print this message.

  You can have an user specific configuration file in ~/.config/aurupbotrc.
  An example file can be found in /etc/aurupbotrc.

How to install

Get the package aurupbot from AUR.

How it works

  1. Download/update the package repository (git)

  2. Check for updates (makepkg)

  3. Build new version (makepkg)

  4. Check package for errors (namcap)

  5. Build SRCINFO file (mksrcinfo)

  6. Commit and push changes to AUR (git)