Trabalho final da disciplina de Desenvolvimento Mobile. Jogo desenvolvido em Flutter. O usuário loga com sua conta do Spotify e seleciona uma ou mais playlists para jogar. O jogo consiste em adivinhar a música que está tocando. O usuário tem 5 chances para acertar a música. O jogo mantém registro de pontuação e tentativas do jogador.
Scenario: User views their Spotify playlists for song selection and select some of them
Given the user is logged on your correct Spotify account
Given the user is on the playlist selection screen
When the user sees {"My playlists"} section
And the user clicks "Show" button
Then the list of available playlists should be displayed for selection
And the user selects {"Pop", "Rock", "Samba"} playlists
Then the system must choose one of the songs from the selected playlists
Scenario: User listens to a short music snippet
Given the user is on the game screen
When the user sees {"Listen to snippet of the song"}
And the user clicks on the {"play"} button
Then the user should be able to hear a portion of the song
Scenario: User guesses a song by typing on the first try
Given the user is on the game screen
Given that the correct answer is {"505"}
When the user sees a text box
And the user types {"505"}
And the user clicks on the "Guess" button
Then the system should show that answer is correct
Scenario: User doesn't guess the song on the first try
Given the user is on the game screen
Given that the correct answer is {"Arabella"}
When the user sees a text box
And the user types {"505"}
And the user clicks on the "Guess" button
Then the system should show that the answer is wrong and show how many attempts are left
Scenario: User views their score after guessing a song
Given the user has guessed a song
When the user sees their score
And the user click on {"Show more"} button
Then the system must show discounts and additions to the respective score
Scenario: User views their correct guess streak
Given the user is on the statistics screen
When the user sees {"My profile"} section
And the user clicks on {"Streak"} button
Then the correct guess streak should be displayed
O protótipo do aplicativo foi feito no Figma e pode ser acessado aqui