brunskillage / Synology.NET

A C# Client for Synology Servers
Apache License 2.0
27 stars 7 forks source link

Synology.NET C# API Client Assembly Project

Author : Allan Brunskill
Contact : abrunskill[at]

This is a complete C# .net 4.0 client implementation of the Synology DiskStation API found at

However Synology chnaged everything in the last year or so and it broke. The tests now pass again and the client is working.

A nuget package is available at which you can add by running the following command in the NuGet package console.

More extensive clients are available - good luck :)

Install-Package Synology.NET

To use ...

Update your app.config or web.config so it contains the following keys set to your diskstations relevant values.

    <add key="Syno.User" value="[yourdiskstationusername]" />
    <add key="Syno.Pass" value="[yourdiskstatiionpassword]" />
    <add key="Syno.ApiBaseAddress" value="http://[yoursynologyhost]/webapi" />

General flow is ...

  var session = new SynologySession(new AppSettingsClientConfig());

  var api = new SynologyApi(session);

  // var resp = api.SomeMethod(parameters);
  // .... do something with resp


To run the NUnit Integration Tests

Add the Syno.TestFolder key in app.config value to a directory of your DiskStation and run.

    <add key="Syno.TestFolder" value="/public/apitest" />