brutalsavage / facebook-post-scraper

Facebook Post Scraper 🕵️🖱️
GNU General Public License v3.0
328 stars 118 forks source link
beautifulsoup4 facebook-scraper facebook-scraper-software facebook-scraper-tool python selenium-webdriver

Facebook Scraper Selenium

Scrape Facebook Public Posts without using Facebook API

What It can Do

Install Requirements

Please make sure chrome is installed and chromedriver is placed in the same directory as the file

Find out which version of chromedriver you need to download in this link Chrome Web Driver.

Place your Facebook login in info into facebook_credentials.txt

Optional: To download all videos from a specific page, make sure that youtube-dl binary is downloaded locally.

pip install -r requirements.txt


1. Use to print to screen or to file

usage: [-h] -page PAGE -len LEN [-infinite INFINITE] [-usage USAGE]
                  [-comments COMMENTS]

Facebook Page Scraper

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

required arguments:
  -page PAGE, -p PAGE   The Facebook Public Page you want to scrape
  -len LEN, -l LEN      Number of Posts you want to scrape

optional arguments:
  -infinite INFINITE, -i INFINITE
                        Scroll until the end of the page (1 = infinite)
                        (Default is 0)
  -usage USAGE, -u USAGE
                        What to do with the data: Print on Screen (PS), Write
                        to Text File (WT) (Default is WT)
  -comments COMMENTS, -c COMMENTS
                        Scrape ALL Comments of Posts (y/n) (Default is n).
                        When enabled for pages where there are a lot of
                        comments it can take a while

2. Use extract() to grab list of posts for additional parsing

from scraper import extract

list = extract(page, len, etc..)

# do what you want with the list 

Return value of extract() :

{'Post': 'Text text text text text....',
 'Link' : '',
 'Image' : '',
 'Comments': {
        'name1' : {
            'text' : 'Text text...',
            'link' : '',
            'image': ''
        'name2' : {
 'Reaction' : { # Reaction only contains the top3 reactions
        'LIKE' : int(number_of_likes),
        'HAHA' : int(number_of_haha),
        'WOW'  : int(number_of_wow)

3. Use download_entire_page_videos to download all videos from a specific Facebook page

Example: --chromedriver chromedriver.exe --youtube_dl youtube-dl.exe --fbpage[GROUP_ID]/ --numofposts 100
