bruxy70 / Irrigation-with-display

Garden irrigation based on Sonoff 4ch, with built-in Nextion display
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Garden irrigation based on Sonoff 4ch, with built-in Nextion display


Getting Started


Using Sonoff 4ch Pro to control four 24V AC valves (Gardena). The control of the solenoid valves is simple - open the valve by connecting 24V to it, it will close automatically when disconnected. I am using the original Gardena 24V AC adapter - one of its wires wire is connected to the (1-4) Sonoff 4ch Pro C (common) connectors. The NO (Normally Open) connectors (1-4) are then connected to the solenoids. The second AC adapter wire is then connected to the second contact of all 4 solenoids.

The Sonoff relays (galvanically separated from the main device power supply) then control open valves by closing the relay. The irrigation logic uses the ESPHome native sprinkler controller. For more details, check the ESPHome documentation.

Additionaly, there is a ITEAD Nextion display showing the remaining time. It also has 2 buttons to start automation scrips from the touch screen. The display is connected via 4 wires: GND, +5V, RX, and TX. So to control the display is extremely easy - just connect these 4 wires to the corresponding ports in the Sonoff 4CH. GND, TX and RX is easy. But you need to find the 5V contact. This can be done in 2 ways - either power the whole Sonoff 4ch Pro by 5V (which is what I have done). Or power it by mains and find a 5V contact on the circuit board.


I used Nextion Editor to create a layout for the display screen. There is a static image background with all graphics that do not change (including text, icons, frames, or color background). On top of the background, I created text objects for all the values that change. When the design is finished, you can upload the layout to the display from the NextionEditor using the serial connection (via USB FTDI board).

The program is then very simple - it just sets the text value for the individual text objects. For example, for the inside temperature it does this:


ESPHome can read Home Assistant sensors through API, so the ESPHome sensor "rain_today" is linked to Home Assistant sensor sensor.rain_today this way:

  - platform: homeassistant
    id: rain_today
    entity_id: sensor.rain_today

It is using the 2.4 inch Nextion display.

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